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Individual Paper on Leadership


Submitted By kutie4pie
Words 2723
Pages 11
Individual Research Paper on Leadership

Table of Contents

Introduction 2 Practices of Admired Leaders 3 Survey and Interview Methods 4 Interpretation of Results 5 Interpersonal 5 Deep-Level Diversity and Ethics 6 Analytical 7 Areas for Improvement 7 Personal Philosophy of Leadership 8 Conclusion 8 References 9 Appendices 10 Appendix 1.1 Survey Questions and Results 10 Appendix 1.2 Interview Questions and Answers 11

As a woman in young adulthood with over ten years of experience in both the work force and student practice, I am able to take a look at my leadership as a journey of evolvement and growth. Through the years I have gained a deeper understanding of my personal strengths, my own set of values, the morals that guide me, and the person that I am. Each of these facets have continued on a forward path of evolution as I survive trials and tribulations, live through personal and professional experiences, and ingest new opportunities. This set of traits that makes up the person I am is reflected in the way I lead others and the perceptions that others have of my leadership skills.
In this research paper I have attempted to gain a deeper understanding of my skills in leadership through deep personal reflection as a result of my peers and managers feedback, and the materials learned throughout my organizational leadership course. I also take a look into the traits and practices that I find to be the most beneficial and desirable for a leader to have, including the practices that I see in the leaders that I admire. Through survey questionnaires and interviews completed by my co-workers and admired leaders I am able to obtain profound and perceptive knowledge on my leadership competence as well as the areas in which I can improve. Finally, I attempt to give myself a go-forward strategy to how I would like to conduct

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