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Myths: More Than Just A Story

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Myths; More than Just a Story. There are two main purposes to a myth, the first is to provide answers to explain the unexplainable, and the second is to provide a set of rules for society to follow. How does one explain the unexplainable? Most of the time there is no answer to questions like: where did we come from, and what happens when we die. Those big questions that mankind has contemplated ever since its birth. No-one on earth has been able to answer these questions with utmost certainty. Though everybody believes that they are correct. Myths are just made up, humans create myths. The implementation of a myth or legend into these questions is a much better alternative than simply saying nothing. Myths also can set standards for society to follow. That is to say myths can be placed as set or …show more content…
A common example of this is religion. Think about how religion shapes a society. In older times the ruling power of the land was a religious figure. The church controlled all forms of law in order for people. It is easy to see how big of a role myths can play. For centuries myths have been a big part of human culture. The aspects of myth that I find particularly interesting is just what I stated in the introduction. How something that can be completely false can have such an effect on humanity. Some of my research into the subject yielded the fact that myths are the basis for religion, as I stated previously. That is not to say that religion is false and completely made up. It is to say that religion is the way that we answer too hard to answer question as I mentioned before. That is congruent with what myths do. Religion has for centuries as well been a framework for people to follow. A lot of people would be lost without some form of religion to follow. This is an

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