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Neural Tube Defects


Submitted By whitf09
Words 416
Pages 2
Neural tube defects are defects of the brain, spine or spinal cord itself. A neural tube defect happens in the first month of pregnancy usually. The women at that point will most likely not even know that she is pregnant. There are 4 main kinds of neural tube defects. Occulta is the most common type of neural defect. With this defect there is a layer of skin covering the opening of the spine. Unlike the other forms, it causes less issues. There is rarely symptoms. A neural tube defect can be diagnosed prenatally with a sonogram or ultrasound. I have done some research online and have looked at some of the images. All seem to have a very distinct abnormality or growth. It is something that with this kind of technology and a good eye and knows what they are looking for, could prevent an embryo from becoming a fetus and then a child that may or may not have a long term disability that could hinder them from being able to take care of themselves or even be mobile at all. I know the article said that they can’t see these abnormities until the 17th and 20th week but when I was pregnant there was a specific test for the, which they do mention, that measured the protein AFP. I do believe they can sometimes find out earlier than mentioned here. Anencephaly is the neural defect that I chose. It is the most interesting a heartbreaking that I have found. This defect is where the baby is born without major parts of its brain. All babies will die shortly after birth. The reason being is the spinal cord will not close all the way and the baby will be born without the front part of his brain. The forebrain is where thinking takes places and the cerebrum is coordination. When these are not there, the brain does not know how to send signals to the heart or lungs to tell them to beat or breath. All involuntary functions stop. A lot of times this can be diagnosed at birth. There are cases and tests they can do to catch it before hand by a blood test or ultrasound.

Medicine Spina Bifida (Neural Tube Defect)(September 1, 2013) Medline Plus. Neural Tube Defects. (January 23, 2013). Birth Defects. Facts About Anencephaly. (July 15, 2013)

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