Premium Essay

New Supply Chain Strategies at Od M&S


Submitted By 12121972chan
Words 690
Pages 3
Founded in 1884, Marks & Spencer (M&S) has grown from a single market stall to an international multi-channel retailer with an outstanding net margin in retailing, over £8billion in annual sales turnover. Nonetheless, M&S endured a wrench downturn after 1998. In 2001, the company recognized the need of a review on the strategy, thereby an operational plan is introduced to help in make optimal adjustment to reverse the unfavorable condition. The amendments included reduce cost in the whole supply chain, increase efficient and elasticity in manufacture, ameliorate quality and design of products, and targeted market segmentation of clothing.

In this essay, market segmentation is the main focus. It consists on three parts. Firstly, distinguish the customer’s demand among the three M&S clothing range. Secondly, identify and explain the order winners and order qualifiers of each clothing range. Finally, compare and analyze the logistic performance objectives of individual clothing range.

The core customer of M&S are women aged between 35 and 55, they seek for fashionable high streets items and also classically stylish clothing. With the change of clothing industry, customers prefer diversify style of clothing. Before 2001, M&S only have two main sales “seasons” per year and without any sub-brands, therefore the company only satisfies demand of a small group of customers.

With the enhanced segmentation, M&S has finely allocated their customers by different criteria, like ages, gender, lifestyles and usage. Form the various segmented customers, the company analyze the suitable strategies that satisfy the wants of individual segment.

Finally, M&S introduced, the three sub-brands, they are Perfect & Classic Range, Autograph Range and Per Una Range

i. Perfect & Classic Range
It is the further divided into the Perfect

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