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Nursing Comfort Theory Paper

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Katherine Kolcaba theory of comfort has created a new level of nursing. Promotion of comfort exists in all areas of nursing. Comfort is desired by patients of all ages and illnesses. There is a high importance in fulfilling comfort needs of the patient is order to achieve optimal health benefit and promote future health seeking behaviors.
Keywords: Comfort, outcomes, quality, safety, and health promotion

Comfort Theory was introduced by Katherine Kolcaba in 1994 (McEwen & Wills, 2014, pp 244). This theory gave the word comfort a whole new meaning. It explored comfort as a key element in nursing care. This mid-range theory identifies comfort as the means to achieving positive patient experience and outcomes. The concept follows …show more content…
Pain control will present a challenge in every nursing career. This is an area that is unique to each patient. What works for one patient may not work for another. Trial and error is often a part of this area of nursing care. Whether is acute of chronic pain, achieving a pain free patient is the goal. End of life pain management presents the greatest challenge due to those individuals at end of life cannot always communicate their needs. It is important for the nurse to acknowledge both language as a form of communication. Respond to body language such as restlessness, grimacing, sweating, or tearfulness as a good identifier of pain. Comfort is not achieved if the individual is in pain. The effectiveness of the Comfort Theory is measurable. The idea is that if comfort is achieved, a positive patient outcome is created. Positive outcomes result in future health seeking behaviors. If positive outcomes are not achieved, then avoidance of future health care could result. Another way to measure comfort is patient response to interventions. Follow up nursing comfort interventions and evaluate the effectiveness. Documentation is important so that continuity of care and positive patient outcomes can be achieved (March & McCormick, …show more content…
It encompasses one of the basic patient needs, comfort. Comfort needs is one of the concepts under this theory. Every patient has comfort needs and these needs can be successfully met with efforts made by the nurse and other members of the healthcare team. This concept involves both patient and family needs. Meeting these needs can create positive patient outcomes and promote future health seeking behavior by both patient and family. Knowledge of this theory and applying the concepts in practice is important in everyday nursing

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