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Obsessove Compulsive Personality Disorder


Submitted By mzgain
Words 293
Pages 2
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Throughout our society, many people suffer from some type of personality disorders. Personality disorders make up approximately 15% of the general population and generally appear during late childhood or late teens. In addition, personality disorders can continue for the rest of a person’s life. One particular personality disorder that will be discussed throughout this paper will be “Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD).” According to Phillipson (n.d), OCPD is a “pervasive characterological disturbance involving one’s generalized style and beliefs in the way one relates to themselves and the world.” Persons who suffer with OCPD are usually rigid in their dysfunctional beliefs and fully see their way of acting or doing things as the “right” way.
Their general style of connecting to their environment or surroundings is developed through their own firm standards. OCPD must not be confused with OCD. Although they both are compulsive disorders, they are characterized differently with different meaning. An example of OCD would be someone who compulsively washing their hands, while on the other hand, a person with OCPD is inflexible and does not like it when the way of doing things is disrupted.
As this paper unfold, we will examine and discuss the relationship between human development and socialization and how this relationship impacts obsessive compulsive personality disorder in accordance with the DSM-IV classification (Grayfallos et al., 2010). The paper will further discuss the population, incidence, prevalence, and significance of OCPD, as well as behavioral dimensions, psychosocial dimensions, environmental dimensions, prevention, and public health policy implications of OCPD.
Define the population, incidence, prevalence, and significance of OCPD
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder is define as a disorder that affects approximately 1 to 2% of teens and adults throughout the world.

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