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Oil Spill


Submitted By latisha123
Words 847
Pages 4
At no time in our American History have we seen the catastrophe that we've seen this year by the BP Oil Spill. The Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico is beyond heart breaking. The 1989, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill has been considered the most devastating, human-caused, environmental disaster ever to occur in history, especially towards the Nigerians, since they are still being affected by it. But, even though the Exxon Valdez happened years ago and Nigerians are still in tight situations due to the spill, I believe the BP Oil Spill is just a beginning of a major political conundrum, with lasting consequences similar to what the Nigerians people are experiencing.

There are a lot of controversy regarding, who is going to take responsibility for the cleanup for both BP and the Valdez Oil Spill. Some people blame President Obama and some blame Bp for its spill.

Blaming the company that is actually in charge of the operation does seem like a logical first step, not to mention, there were many safety warning signs that they ignored to give way to greed. But bear in mind, blaming a president for a disaster caused by a corporation is ridiculous in my opinion.

If people are blaming Obama, I think it should be because he didn’t make and veto certain laws and kept an eye on certain factories, if he did, then probably the oil spill would have never happened in the first place. We cannot blame the Spill on Obama completely, but we can blame him for not watching out for problems in the country. But on the other hand, Nigerians feel as though Obama, should take the effects of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill into consideration because he is black but at the same time, I think they have to understand that he is not their President and it is not his job to go around fixing others problems.

Nigerians feels as though, Americans are cared about more since, the Gulf is one of President Obama's top priorities. According to, Mr. Mbong, " We don’t have an international media to cover us, so nobody cares about it and whatever we cry we cry is not heard outside of here." But there are different reasons as to why. Maybe because Nigeria is considered a 3rd world country or being that they don’t have ideal protection such as freedom of speech or freedom of the press like people of the United States do, they cannot speak up about anything being done to the damage the Oil Spill effects, so therefore their government doesn’t do anything and even if they tried to speak up, lives would of been lost like those of the Ogoni Nine.

The Ogoni Nine were a group of nine activists from the Ogoni region of Nigeria, who were executed by hanging in 1995 by the military dictatorship of General Sani Abacha because they spoke up about the shell's oil drilling and how it affected their region. So if Americans can speak up and Africans cant, what are we suppose to do, we have two different governments and much more money to help assure everything is back to normal, even though it might take some time.

The Only way people can survive in this dying economy is with a job. The people in Nigeria and the ones that surround the Gulf of Mexico has lost a lot of money; business wise. For example, the fishermen. They can't catch any fish, so the trucks that used to transport the fish from the jetty to the market have nothing to transport, therefore, the restaurants and supermarkets that used to buy the fish are now short of fish and the consumers has no fish to buy and since the fisherman have no fish to sell, they have no money to buy everyday items with, so the shops which they normally patronize have lost their custom. How are the fishermen going to survive? They have no jobs now , and that's only using fishermen as one.

People jobs aren’t the only thing affected, but their health are too. Since Oil can be evaporated into the air people breathe, some people have gotten nausea, headaches, had difficulty breathing, and much more. Innocent people have lost their lives over oil.

Whenever America’s government gets involved with business affairs, everything gets screwed up either in short term or long term or both, so I think they just need to stay out of it. I think all of the top scientists from oil industries need to come together and continue to develop a plan of action, since efforts to cap the leaks and keep the oil out of marshlands have failed. this has never happened before so of course it’s going to get worse before it can get better, it’s a hard problem to fix and if it doesn’t get fix, The Bp Oil Spill will negatively affect the Gulf of Mexico region for many, many years, just like the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and the fishing industry will be ruined for some time.

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