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Operant Conditioning Paper

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Classical and operant conditioning are both types of learning, which can be defined as relatively permanent changes in behaviour. Classical conditioning, also known as respondent conditioning (Grivas, Down, Carter, 2004), occurs through the continual association of two or more different stimuli. Learning is evident when one stimulus constantly elicits a different response than it did before. Operant conditioning is based on the theory that an individual will continue to show certain behaviours that have a positive outcome, or that will able it to avoid negative outcomes (Grivas et al., 2004). Although both used to explain learning, classical and operant conditioning are used interchangeably to reflect the complexity of the situation. Operant …show more content…
A positive reinforcement is the application of a positive stimulus after the desired response, in this case, the behaviour is more likely to be repeated (Grivas et al., 2004). A negative reinforcement is the removal or avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus, in this case, because the negative stimulus is removed and is creating a positive outcome, because of this, the behaviour that is removing the unpleasant is more likely to be repeated (Grivas et al., 2004). A primary reinforcer is a biological item, such as food, drink or pleasure (Kardas, E. 2014). A secondary reinforcer is used for most human behaviours, such as grades in school or money (Kardas, E. 2014). Because of conditioning, humans know that secondary reinforcers support primary reinforcers, such as money buys food or grades in school provide pleasure. Understanding the differences enable individuals to decide which method is more effective for certain learning …show more content…
During operant conditioning, the organism will often repeat certain behaviours that produce a positive outcome or not repeat behaviours that have a negative outcome (Grivas et al. 2004). B.F. Skinner, inspired by the work of Edward Thorndike and his trial and error learning with cats, started his own studies into operant conditioning with rats. His hypothesis was to show that organisms tend to run on their environment to produce favoured consequences. In his study, he created a chamber called the Skinner Box where the rat could learn to make a response to their surroundings. The rat, at first was unresponsive, but then got comfortable with its surroundings and began to explore. The rat discovered a lever in the box, which gave the rat some food. After the rat explored more it came back for some more food when it grew hungrier. This continued many more times until as soon as the rat was placed into the box, it pushed the lever. Skinner then knew that learning had been achieved. Not only did Skinner use a positive reinforcement, he used a negative reinforcement as well. He placed a rat into the box, hooked up to an electrical current. Also placed in the box, the same as in the first experiment, was a lever in which could stop the electrical current. Upon feeling the discomfort, the rat accidentally knocked the lever,

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