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Outline for Edgar Allan Poe


Submitted By koolaid251
Words 441
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Outline for Edgar Allan Poe Research Paper

I. Thesis: Edgar Allan Poe’s notorious drug and alcohol abuse combined with his dysfunctional and habitually unsupportive family play a large role in the development in the development of Poe’s unique writing styles and topics. a. Early age alcohol was commonplace Source 5 b. At later age small amount made him incapacitated Source 3 c. Used Alcohol as a Crutch Source 2 d. Kept him from achieving dreams Source 5 e. Couldn’t hold jobs Source 5 f. Separated him from everyone Source2 II. Alcohol and drug use kept Poe from achieving his dreams a. Wanted a magazine of his own Source 5 b. Got sick for weeks after a binge Source 5 c. Tried to go sober many times Source 5 d. Others Around him later in life attempted to intervene Source 5 e. Would Binge until he ran out of money or passed out Source 5 III. Due to the dysfunction of his family Poe was burdened with the constant availability of alcohol. a. From the start Poe didn’t know his real parents Source 6 b. He was the wine server at parties Source 5 c. As an adolescent not many saw signs of alcoholism source 1 d. Very fit through out his teenage and twenties Source 1 e. Got into the Military Academy Source 1 f. He was often on bad terms with his foster father Source 4 IV. Poe’s unique style of writing was greatly affected by his Rock star like behavior. a. His stories contained very gothic and deeply disturbed meanings and plots b. Though he would never admit it many think that Poe required drugs and alcohol to create his many ideas and stories. c. Dark stories derived from hallucinogenic effects of his opiates d. The often central theme of his poetry is

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