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Comparison of the Three Levels of Health Promotion
Queeny M. Carmouche
Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V-0102
January 19, 2014
Comparison of the Three Levels in Health Promotion in Nursing Practice
Health promotion and disease prevention are appropriate for everyone. High-quality health promotion and disease deterrence can slow disease process, improve one’s ability to live independently and lead an active life, even with people with major health issues. During the 1970’s the concern about the physician shortage lead to the expansion of education in the health profession. Health care professionals are at the core of health promotion by engaging in the educational process with the patient. Health promotion and prevention are what will lead the individual to an improved quality of life. Making healthy choices towards health care will impact lives dramatically. The goals for Healthy People 2020 are “1) eliminate preventative disease, disability, injury and premature death; 2) achieve health equity and eliminate health disparities; 3) create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and 4) promote healthy development and healthy behavior at every stage of life.” (Healthy People, 2010). Goals set in Healthy People 2020 are an attempt to create a paradigm shift from traditional care of treating illness to preventative care.
Definition of Health Promotion
Health promotion can be defined as “a process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, thereby improving their health” (World Health Organization [WHO], 2014). Health promotion is the healthy modification in behavior that facilitates a healthier living environment. It encompasses a broader view of health rather than a specific disease process. Health promotion and

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