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Submitted By rushindra
Words 703
Pages 3


AIM: To Study The Optimization Techniques in Pharmaceutical Formulation and Processing.
The term Optimize is defined as “to make perfect”. It is used in pharmacy relative to formulation and processing. Involved in formulating drug products in various forms. It is the process of finding the best way of using the existing resources while taking in to the account of all the factors that influences decisions in any experiment.
Optimization parameters: Optimization parameters

Problem types Variable

Constrained Unconstrained Dependent Independent Relationship between independent variables and response defines response surface. Representing>2 becomes graphically impossible. Higher the variables, higher are the complications hence it is to optimize each & everyone. Optimization is not a Screening method.

Response surface representing the relationship between the independent variables X1 and X2 and the dependent variable Y. Classic optimization: It involves application of calculus to basic problem for maximum/minimum function..Limited applications i. Problems that are not too complex ii. They do not involve more than two variables * For more than two variables graphical representation is impossible * It is possible mathematically. GRAPH REPRESENTING THE RELATION BETWEEN THRESPONSE VARIABLE AND INDEPENDENT VARIABLE:

Statistical design: Techniques used divided in to two types. Experimentation continues as optimization proceeds .It is represented by evolutionary

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