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Personal Goals

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A life without goals is really a life without purpose. That is why I have laid out my goals into four main categories of my life. My main 8 goals in life are in 4 categories, which include high school, college, my career, and my personal life. To begin with, the first category of my goals in life has to do with high school.One goal I have in high school is to play soccer on the Marina team for all four years I go to high school. This could help me by preparing me for college, not only to get on a college’s soccer team, but it also would teach me to work hard and not give up. To do this, I will have to constantly be ready to sacrifice my free time in order to be willing to train with my team. Moving on, I would like to graduate high school with at least a 3.5 GPA. While this will be …show more content…
These goals are going to be in the field of my overall life, once I am out of school and have finally settled down with a good job. The main goal I have in my personal life is to stay in Huntington Beach the rest of my life, or as long as possible. I would like to live in Huntington because I have lived here my entire life, and it is near the beach, my friends, and my family. To get this goal, I will have to keep up with the economy in the area to afford the housing in the area. While it may be difficult to afford the area due to the high prices, it would be well worth it because it would lead me to living a much happier life. This would benefit me because I would be close to all my friends, family, and would not need to travel far for anything. Next, I plan to keep playing soccer, even when I’m out of college and working in my career. To do this, I could possibly join an adult league, or even get into coaching a kids team. I want to do this because I have always loved soccer, for as long as I have played it, and it helps keep me in shape. In my personal life, I have set goals that will help me live an overall happy

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