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Plessy Vs Ferguson

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In the mid-twentieth century, the United States dealt with the turbulent forces of segregation and the civil rights movements working to eliminate it. During that time, two opposing narratives entered the scene, illustrating both sides perspectives and ideologies. The Southern Manifesto of 1956 was a letter signed by ninety-six southern members of the Senate and House of Representatives to renounce the Supreme Court decision on desegregating education and schools. The other narrative represented by Reverend William H. Borders' confrontation of segregation in 1957 decided on a non-violence strategy to fight segregation after the Montgomery Bus Boycott in Alabama. Both the Southern Manifesto of 1956 and Reverend William H. Borders' confrontation …show more content…
The Southern Manifesto declared the Supreme Court decision on Brown vs Board of Education to be unconstitutional and uses the case of Plessy v. Ferguson to support their claim. Jim Crows laws permitted “separate but equal” facilities for Black and Whites and was supported by Plessy v. Ferguson– Supreme Court decision (GML! 668). The. This case emerged in Louisiana when railroad companies were required to have separate cars for Black passengers and a light-skin African American man named Homer Plessy refused to move to the ‘colored ‘section of the train, leading to his arrest. The idea of “separate but equal” was imbedded in the belief that the 14th amendment enforces total equality without distinction based on color By stating that the Brown vs Board of Education case is unconstitutional is to also admit the unconstitutionality of laws, such as Jim Crows created in opposition of the 14th and 15th amendment to restrict African American liberty and rights as citizens. This was their way to legally rationalize their support for segregation, even though it demonstrated their hypocrisy toward the constitutionality of laws and amendments. In the Manifesto, they mention how in “the original Constitution does not

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