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Policy Process Part 1


Submitted By kiki1234
Words 1567
Pages 7
The Policy Process: Part I

In the United States, Veteran’s health care at an economical rate is a continuous debate. It is warranted that the health care should improve at a constant rate to uphold the health needs of veterans, new and old. Government has the veterans association (VA) and with all the help it has available for veterans there are still times when that care is not enough. There are so many individuals that are without health care because of one reason for another and it leaves many injured and hurt veterans without the care they need and deserve. Better access to health for veterans, men and women is important since many new problems such as PTSD have become better understood and need more focus and to be better addressed. (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2007). Policies are evaluated to enhance the health care system. Steps are closely followed to ensure successful policy implementation. Three major phases, namely formulation stage, legislative stage, and the implementation stage, are positioned to enhance the policy on care and assistance for health care policies with the VA. (, 2014). Formulation phase encompasses evaluating ideas, concepts, proposals, solutions, and researching data prior to policy process.
Legislative phase aims to help health care organizations in policy process. Policy is presented before legislators and health care agency then must negotiate execution and any possible modifications may occur at this point (Williams-Crowe & Aultman. 2007). It is unknown whether Congress will approve the policy when presented to them or will be policy be rejected. Chance of implementation of the policy increases if the advocates do thorough research and budget is reasonable. Implementation phase commences when the policy becomes law through the approval of Congress and is then incorporated into health care system throughout the

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