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Political Ideology


Submitted By edbeckford
Words 1660
Pages 7
Political Ideology I have chosen the Republican ideological position, commonly referred to as the Grand Old Party (G.O.P). The Republican Party absorbs Libertarianism, fiscal Conservatism, and concepts of Progressivism. I believe in the voice of capitalism, competition, and that the overall welfare of the people comes first before all else. Since the creation of the Republican Party in the mid nineteenth century, the G.O.P has grown to represent social conservatism. Despite misplaced stigma that Republicans do not support the interests of the common people, history has shown that their view directs more to being responsible with government expenditures and justifying government activities with more than just goodwill for all citizens. The Republican Party first gained popularity through the election of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln, as well as the Republicans of that time, was a strong anti-slavery activist. Lincoln led the way towards the end of slavery. Republican ideology brought equality to slaves. Republican ideology has also supported the people’s rights to bear arms, which has been an issue of heavy debate that finally found victory in the McDonalds v. Chicago case. The plaintiffs in the case argued that the state of Chicago had infringed on their Second Amendment rights. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Second Amendment and its enforcement in all states. Former Republican President George Bush was a strong supporter of the NRA and Second Amendment rights, so was Charleston Heston, a popular actor and Republican. The Republican ideology represents empowerment of the people. The Republican ideology also represents responsibility in government spending and justifiability in government actions. I have studied the history of laws and acts, and have seen that social and economical responses can cause them to be amended or

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