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Popular Music TV Shows That Entice American Icons

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1. Popular Music TV Shows That Entice Americans Infatuation with Music Stars.
A. Hee Haw, a country singing show which was on air from approximately 1969 until 1997 had numerous unknowns that became legendary singers. Some of the singers were Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette, Keith Whitley, George Jones, George Strait and Johnny Cash.
B. Star Search aired from 1983 until 2004. Music icons such as Sam Harris, Sawyer Brown, Beyonce, Usher, LeAnn Rimes, Brittney Spears, Justin Timberlake, and Christina Aguilera were all hopefuls back in the 1990’s on this television show.
C. American Idol first aired in 2002 and was to be cancelled in 2016. The show has been revamped and is to air on the Fox network in …show more content…
The Voice started airing in 2011 and is going strong with two of the original coaches which are Blake Shelton and Adam Levine. The winners list includes Cassadee Pope, Danielle Bradbery, Craig Wayne Boyd, Sawyer Fredricks, Jordan Smith and Alisan Porter.
2. The Appealing Characteristics of our Icons and Stars.
A. Elvis Pressley was known as the King of Rock and Roll although with his versatility he could belt out a gospel, country soul or R&B selection. He was extremely photogenic, had blue eyes, could curl his upper lip, and his gyrating hip rolling made women go crazy. He was known for having a charismatic singing voice and being a great actor.
B. Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber started at an early age and have an abundant supply of followers which include children, preteens, teenagers, and adults. Their characteristics consist of being great singers, having awesome hair, cute smiles, and both can play the piano and guitar.
C. George Strait is known as the King of Country but is also a songwriter, actor and producer. He is a traditional country guy with a cowboy hat and wrangler blue jeans. He is known for not being extremely fancy on stage because he enjoys standing there in front of the crowds with his guitar and a microphone. Women and men young and old enjoy his sultry voice, killer smile and his inspiring uplifting lyrics that seem to be about everyday

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