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Postman Amusing Ourselves To Death Analysis

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In Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death, reading serves as one of the first physical manifestations of one’s own thoughts through the the medium of the written word. Postman’s view on reading is that it embodies one’s ideals in a clear and concise way that is beneficial in educating its audience. He believes that reading is pivotal in helping one acquire knowledge through its emphasis on both fact and reason. While Postman believes that reading is the most effective way of educating people, mainly the youth, he forgets to mention how inconvenient it is. There are more effective ways in acquiring knowledge through mediums such as the Internet and the computer due to the availability of their information and the different ways they represent it. There are more effective ways in acquiring …show more content…
Yes, reading is a form of educating the youth, but those that learn by visual, auditory, or kinesthetic means usually find reading ineffective when it comes to helping them process information efficiently. The wide variety of resources that the Internet provides allows all of these different types of people to learn the same information but in their own unique way.
There are few initiatives that could be undertaken to promote reading as main source of education simply because reading is boring. It lacks entertainment. Entertainment is something that is has become more of a major aspect of society than it was during Postman’s time. The availability of the Internet is a more influential method of learning because it provides, entertainment, instant results, and immediate gratification. This pertains heavily to youth due to their impulsiveness, need of instant results, and fondness of taking shortcuts. Faster means better when it comes to the personal preferences of students nowadays. Said students find learning information much easier if it is fun and less time-consuming. Watching and listening to videos

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