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Potential Predictors of Whistle-Blowing Intention Among Public Sector Agencies


Submitted By faridmahali
Words 7215
Pages 29

1.0 Background of Study

Nowadays, integrity issues become frequently discuss and report among reporters and society. As we know, integrity is a part of ethical values that shows the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It is important to be integrity person to ensure the task or jobs are more honest and there is no abuse of power among the public or private employees. The situation can be seen in several countries, there are a lot of unethical behaviors from employer or employees. There must be a reason unethical behavior happened. So, whistle-blowing protection was introduced in order to prevent any unethically behaviors in organization such as fraud, corruption, abuse of power and so on.

Whistle-blowing has been defined as ‘disclosure by a current of former organization member of illegal, inefficient, or unethical practices in a organization to a person or parties who have the power or resources to take action ( Near and Meceli, 1985). It continues to receive media intention (Vinten, 1997). Whistle blowing is a deliberate non-obligatory act of disclosure, which gets onto public record and is made by a person who has or had privileged access to data or information of an organization, about non-trivial illegality or other wrongdoing whether actual, suspected or anticipated which implicates and is under the control of that organization, to an external entity having potential to rectify the wrong doing. Whistleblowing is presented as dissent, in response to an ethical dilemma, in the form of a public accusation against an organization. It contains six elements. These are: the act of disclosing damaging news; the whistleblower agent; a disclosure subject – some (potential) wrongdoing; a target organization held responsible; a disclosure recipient; and an outcome –the disclosure enters the public domain (Peter B.

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