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Prayer for the Departed


Submitted By fahadabdul
Words 629
Pages 3
Prayer for the Departed

O Lord, in your mercy welcome __________ into your heavenly kingdom.
He has gone to her rest.
Now, he hopes to rise with you.
O Lord, in your encompassing love, bring him into the light of your Divine Presence.
We meekly intercede, O Lord, for our faithful departed __________.
May he find eternal peace with you.
May he inherit your kind forgiveness.
May he see you face to face.
Yes, you are our hope in this world.
You are our resurrection and life.
You are our Judge and Savior.
O Lord, we humbly beseech you: be merciful in your judgment and grant to __________ the promised salvation.
Remember not his faults, but cleanse him of his sins and grant his lasting reward.
O Lord, extend to _______ your victory over sin and death.
Let his not be separated from you, but grant her a place in your eternal abode.
Jesus, Lord of the living and the dead, comfort of the weary and the afflicted, conqueror of death and sin, guide our departed ____________.
As he reaches the end of his journey, lead him back to you.
As his life comes to an end, let him live with you.
As he stands before you in judgment, please speak again these words:
“Come, you who are blessed by my Father.
Inherit the kingdom prepared for you.”
May the good Lord grant him a merciful judgment and look kindly upon him.
ALL: Lord, help us see death for what it really is:
—the end of poverty and the beginning of riches:
—the end of frustration and the beginning of fulfillment;
—the end of fear and the beginning of tranquility;
—the end of pain and the beginning of joy;
—the end of weakness and the beginning of strength.
Let not grief overwhelm us or a sense of loss embitter us, but out of our sadness let there arise a new joy.
Cast out our fears and let not our hearts be troubled.
Let your spirit of peace come alive within our experience and hurt, our sorrow and isolation, our sadness today and loneliness tomorrow.
We humbly commend to you, __________________, whom you called out of this mortal life.
You loved him always with a great love.
Now that you have freed him from all the evils of this earth, bring him into your paradise where there is no more grief or mourning or sadness, but peace and joy with your Son and the Holy Spirit forever.
We thank you for all the blessings you have given to __________in his mortal life.
We pray that he may be able to glorify you with the life he lived and the way he made use of your blessings.
Lord, grant that we will never forget that life is short and uncertain.
Let your Spirit guide us in holiness, justice, and service to our brothers and sisters.
We pray for the healing of all unhappy and hurting feelings death may have caused in our hearts.
Be with us, Lord, during our moments of sorrow and loneliness.
You are our rock, our fortress, and our strength.
We trust in you and hope in your glorious resurrection.
We lift up to you our grief and sorrow, confident that you will change mourning to rejoicing that our beloved now rests in your peace.
L: Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
A: And let perpetual Light shine upon him.
L: May he rest in peace.
A: Amen.
L: May the soul of __________and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
A: Amen.

Prayer taken from Straight From The Heart… A Prayer Companion by “healing priest” Fr. Mario José C. Ladra (pp. 321-326, St Pauls Publications, 2007).

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