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Prevent Underage Drinking


Submitted By caliboy93
Words 774
Pages 4
Prevent Underage Drinking

General Orientation
Dr. Graham
Prevent Underage Drinking

You go into a bar and ask for an alcoholic beverage, usually they ask if your 21, but this time you are handed your beverage and not asked for your ID. This is pretty much what goes on at college campuses. Underage drinking without much or any regulation has corresponded to many deaths and serious injuries to underage students. Teaching underage members of society how to drink in moderation, making stricter consequences for the drinkers who are underage and stricter consequences for the supplier should prevent underage drinking.
Teaching underage members of society how to drink in moderation would be difficult but it would make underage drinking injuries disappear. In Europe, many of the people there are taught when they are very young how to drink in moderation by giving the kids alcohol moderately throughout the years they are growing up at home. This has caused the accidents and injuries in Europe to go down significantly. Though the drinking age in Europe is lower than America, they have a higher driving age, making it a whole lot harder to get into accidents. With Europe’s process of drinking laws it would make it so much easier to have as many deaths that involve underage drinking. “Alcohol statistics in Europe say that teens coming from homes that had no alcohol and were not taught how to drink responsibly had more issues with alcohol.” This shows the same thing that has been happening in the United States for the last decade. You can see that teaching underage members of society how to drink can definitely be significant in having less binge drinking.
It would also help to put stricter consequences on those drinkers who happen to be underage. Stricter consequences for the underage drinkers would help detour them from drinking and getting totally

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