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Principles of Supervision


Submitted By ixiam
Words 300
Pages 2
Ixia Morales
Principles of Supervision
Week 2 Homework

Do you think anyone involved in the Stamford Supervisors case acted unethically? Why or why not?
My opinion is that the supervisors acted unethically. I don’t think the employees where acting unethically because they were just doing what they were asked to do by the boss. The reason I think it was unethical of them is because they are a Government agency. If their job is to maintain the city’s quality of life, they should have given the money back to the city for improvements instead of using the money for their parties and such. Furthermore, they should have kept a log of how much money was collected every day and turned it into the city. I would not be surprised if some of the supervisors where keeping some of the money for their own personal use.

If there had been a whistle-blower early on in the situation, do you think the problem would have grown as large as it did? Why or why not?
I think it depends when the whistle-blower came out. For example, if the whistle blower came out 30 years ago, when the practice first started it probably would not have been a big deal. Thirty years ago ethics was not a major concern. Also, since the practice has just started, the amount of money would not have been as large. If the issue would have been raised 10 or 20 years ago, I think the problem would have been resolved. The officials would have given the supervisors clear guidelines about what to do with the scrap metal and they would have complied. Imagine all the money the city would have raised in all those years if they raised 60,000 in a few

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