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Submitted By ajizzle68
Words 1114
Pages 5
Problem/solution paper

Over the years, prison conditions have improved in many ways, but the present correctional system is still struggling to deal with some of the same problems that has been going on for a while, and that’s prison overcrowding. In the United States, prison crowding has not always been a factor. All across the world there are many correctional institutes that are operating at maximum capacity, and there are also many institutes operating three times over the capacity, and this is according to John Howard of Harvard institute (John Howard). In the United States we have many options other than jail, so why are the prisons still overcrowded? In this situation, with an increasing inmate population, comes a decline in the corrections spending budget, and that results in overcrowded prisons. Today prisons are growing all across the world, and with the growth is coming failure of the correctional institutes. My purpose of this paper is to stress some of the major problems, that are evolving in our correction institutes. With overcrowded prisons, there will be a lot of talk, and a lot of problems that will evolve. One of the biggest problems with these overcrowded prisons is the lack of space to hold the prisoners. Total population of prisons and jails in the United States neared the 2.1 million mark in June 2003, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), indicating the largest increase from year to year in four years. The latest BJS report listed 2,078,570 men and women incarcerated on June 30, 2003, an increase of 57,600 more inmates than state, local and federal officials held on the same date a year earlier. States and the federal prisons held 1,380,776 prisoners while local municipal and county jails housed 691,301 inmates. some of the local prisons once had libraries, and gymnasiums, and these areas are now filled

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