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Problem Solving


Submitted By Reneewatson01
Words 323
Pages 2
University of Phoenix Material

Problem Solving

Using the five steps from Ch. 5 of Thinking Critically, create a plan for solving a problem you are currently facing. For the last step, identify how you will determine the effectiveness of your chosen solution.

|Step 1: What is the problem? |Time management |
|Step 2: What are the alternatives? |Delegate responsibilities, use time wisely |
|Step 3: What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of each |Adv. – More time to be productive, less tired during the day, |
|alternative? |responsibilities are somewhat equal, etc. |
| |Disadv. – Resistance from husband and kids. |
|Step 4: What is the solution? |Delegate some responsibilities to where everyone feels as if they are |
| |contributing to the betterment of the family. |
|Step 5: How well is the solution working? |Great! A little resistance initially, but everyone understands they |
| |have to take on more responsibilities for the house to run smoothly |
| |because “If momma isn't happy then nobody is happy!” |

Write a 100- to 150- word reflection about this process. How did this process help you devise a solution? How can you use this process with future problems? Will this work for all

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