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Project Part 1


Submitted By lapizza8
Words 450
Pages 2
Project Part 1 Multi-Layered Security Plan

User Domain: * Conduct security awareness training, display security awareness posters, insert reminders in banner greetings, and send email reminders to employees. * Restrict access for users to only those systems, applications, and data needed to perform their job. * Enable content filtering and antivirus scanning for email attachments. * Disable internal CD drives and USB ports. So that users cannot insert personal files such as photos, music and videos.
Workstation Domain * Enable password protection on workstation for access. * Enable auto screen lockout for inactive times. * Define strict access control policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines. * Use content filtering and antivirus scanning at internet entry and exit. * Enable workstation auto-scans for all new files and automatic file quarantine for unknown file types.
LAN Domain * Make sure wiring closets, data centers, and computers rooms are secure. * Do not allow anyone access without proper ID. * Define strict software vulnerability window policy requiring quick software patching. * Implement encryption between workstation and WAP to maintain confidentiality. * Implement LAN server configuration standards, procedures and guidelines.
LAN-to-Wan Domain * Disable ping. Probing and port scanning on all exterior devices within the LAN-to-WAN Domain. * Apply strict security monitoring controls for intrusion detection and prevention. * Apply file transfer monitoring, scanning, and alarming for unknown file types from unknown sources. * Apply domain-name content filtering at the internet entry/access point. * Conduct post configuration penetration tests of the layered security solution within the LAN-to-Wan Domain.
WAN Domain * Prohibit using the internet for private communications without encryption

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