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Project Training Plan


Submitted By loveshorses
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Project Training Plan

Project Name: Capstone Project
Project Manager:

1. Introduction

This training plan will be put into place to provide the necessary training for all personnel involved.
• All personnel must understand the company’s policies that are put in place: All procedures, security, and practice policies
• All personnel must understand all responsibilities and important roles that has do with the company’s mission
• All personnel must have the necessary knowledge of all operations and technical skills that are required to perform when needed

1.1. Purpose
The training plan is strongly recommended to ensure that all personnel understand the importance of the organizational policies, IT security, and responsibilities; also to give all those involved a sense of how to help protect the company’s resources. The training plan also states ways to:
• Figure out how to find other training material
• Help choose awareness and different training topics
• Use different methods of training
• Update and change the company’s priorities if needed

1.2. Scope

The scope of the training plan has to discuss everything that an organization has to develop and design; also as a part of the IT program, there has to be security awareness. The scope include the all the necessary training needs for all users of the company. This includes employees, and all levels of managers.

1.3 System Overview

1.4 General Training Prerequisites

2. Training Approach

2.1. Training Requirements
• Information Security training should be required for the purpose of Safeguarding Customer Information. It should also be place into the organization policy.
• Privacy Training
• Software Training

2.2. Roles and Responsibilities
• The Project Manager will be in charge of the training.

2.3. Techniques and Tools
2.4. Training

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