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Pros And Cons Of Plea Bargain

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A plea bargain is an arrangement agreed upon by prosecutors, lawyers and the person being tried to get a reduced sentence or a trade off. In the case of Karla Homolka, she was given a plea bargain yet they were on unfair grounds towards the case. Homolka was asked to testify against her husband Paul Bernardo, calming that she was forced into the raping and killing of three teenage girls. Her plea bargain stated that if she were to testify, she would receive 12 years in prison while Bernrdo would be sentenced to life. After this plea bargain was approved by the court, Bernardo’s lawyers released evidence tapes taken by Bernardo proving that Homolka had lied and had taken part without any of bernardo’s force. Although those tapes were released and there is evidence that Karla Homolka had clear intentions with this teenage girls, her plea bargain was already settled upon therefore they were unable to add time to her sentence. …show more content…
I believe that plea bargains shouldn’t be offer for offenders in a murder trial because the outcome of the Homolka plea bargain acted as a benefit to Homolka and left all other parties including the victims, the families of the victims, the court system and the community struggling for the justice in which the plea bargain took away. In conclusion, plea bargaining may provide less time in prison, yet it does not ensure justice for all parties in any variety of

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