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Pros And Cons Of Section 702 Surveillance Act

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Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: The Pros and Cons of Section 703.

The FISA Act was created to govern the gathering of foreign intelligence. In 1952, President Thurman established the National Security Agency within the department of defense. The NSA is the premiere signals intelligence agency. In the United States Intelligence Community, agency efforts are channeled through the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). The American intelligence community works closely with foreign intelligence agencies, especially on SIGINT matters. The members of the Cold War era UKUSA Agreement (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States) also known as ‘Five Eyes’(FVEY), are partially close collaborators. In the 1950’s the Executive branch was largely in control and unchecked by the Legislative and Judicial branches on Foreign intelligence matters.

Some surveillance policies were narrowed due to constitutional concerns. The authority for foreign intelligence was identified in the President’s inherent Article II of the Constitution powers and a key legal check on that authority was the Fourth Amendment. The fourth amendment as interpreted by …show more content…
Only one Section 702 order can be issued, every year. A Section 702 Directive can be issued. A Section 702 Directive is an order issued to a company without the direction from a court. That company has to produce stored content and has to provide any assistance that is required. For example, a telecommunications company can handover voice calls, or voice mails and email messages. This can also be issued to companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to track all electronic communications and cloud services, and stored data. A Section 702 Directive is much like a combined provider warrant and wiretap order. Making Section 702 extremely

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