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Purpose of Argument


Submitted By joejoe2222
Words 926
Pages 4
Purpose of Arguments
Joseph Barrow
ENG/215 CA
October 3, 2013
Dr. Edward Rodine


Purpose of Arguments

Purpose of Arguments is an attempt to persuade someone of something, by giving reasons for accepting a particular conclusion as evident. Also to try and manipulate true statement against false statement.
Key focus on Arguments is evidence stating the true statement or false statement on the situation. Stating the situation on the first essay its argument deals with the lifestyle on which we live in. “The argument on which cars will be an uproar to our communities, disrupting sleep, terrifying animals, destroying public and private property, and placing members of our emergency services in life threatening situations”. Fairfax, M. (2005, Nov 11). Everybody has their opinions on different situations that evolve around the world, some may be true statements, some may be false statements regardless which is the right statement. We will make an argument to prove who is right are who is wrong. The second essay talks about woman with cancer who died in 1989. The woman named was Bronwen Wallace who went to Queen’s University and Marxist politics. The essay talks about how Wallace who died at the age of 44 wrote a book about knowing your damage about anything wrong with your body.” The power of feminism is the power of the victim who has recognized a way to use her damage.” “When you get in touch with your damage, recognized it and care for it, you also discover the source of your power.” Wallace, B., Page, J., & Robertson, H. (1993, Feb). The third essay talks about arguments between one another going through debates, while expressing your opinions with reasons to support it without arguing with any particular person or group of people. Even if you do win an argument, which is rare, it may boost up your ego without serving any useful purpose unless

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