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R. Dawood's Tale

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Pages 6
The Book Tales from the Thousand and One Nights, written by author N.J. Dawood is an interesting read. The prolog alone is captivating and consequently creates a genuine interest for the well-being of the characters and the outcome of the main story. The frame story is intriguing and well-constructed as it provides meaning and allows an easy transition from one tale to the next. The tales themselves utilize a story teller whose purpose is to introduce a story that provides a lesson for life. There is a correlation between each of the frame stories and their inner stories that speak to the introspective nature of the reader. Additionally, there is another lesson to be learned from the stories in consideration for how the women were depicted …show more content…
King Solomon informs his vizier of the story and how King Sindbad and his beloved falcon went hunting and at the end of a long and successful day, King Sindbad became very thirsty, so he removed the golden bowl from around his falcon's neck so that he could catch the water that was dripping from a tree. As the bowl filled with water, the king placed it before the falcon, but the falcon knocked it down over and over again. Consumed with anger and completely feed up with the falcon the king chopped off both of its wings. The bird gestured for the king to look up into the trees when the king then noticed that the tree was filled with serpents that had been filling his bowl with venom, not water. The king was overwhelmed with sorrow for he was responsible for the death of his beloved bird that saved him from death. It would have been wise for King Yunan to take heed to the lesson in the story for his own good, but instead he followed the advice of his wicked vizier. Doctor Duban, pleaded with King Yunan, just as the fisherman had pleaded with the jinnee, requesting that the king spare his life and Allah would do the same for the king, but destroy him and Allah would destroy the king also, but the king refused his request and the doctor was beheaded. King Yunan was killed by the poisoned pages of the book that was given to him by the

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