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Racial Struggle During The Holocaust

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As a result of The Holocaust, was the most terrifying thing the people went through. The deliberate attempt to exterminate the Jewish people of Europe. Racial struggle was key element in Adolf Hitler's ideology and meant to him a clearly defined conflict of opposite: the Aryans, creators of human cultural development, against the Jews, parasites who were trying to destroy the Aryans art. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party had a meeting in 1922 and the dictator proclaimed, “ There can be no compromise, there are only two possibilities: either victory of the Jew.” Adolf Hitler later toned down his anti-semitic message when his party sought mass electoral victories, andt-Semitism was a recurring theme in Nazism and resulted in a wave of legislative …show more content…
Many as one million Jews were killed by the Einsatzgruppen, this approach to solving the Jewish problem was soon perceived as inadequate. Nazis opted for the systematic annihilation of the European Jewish population in specially built death camps. Jewish were packed like cattle into freight trains, and shipped to poland, where six extermination centers were built for this purpose. The largest and most infamous was Auschwitz - Birkenau. This was responsible for 80,000 alleged racially unfit mental and physical defectives in Germany between 1938 and 1914. As the most effective gas for quickly killing large number of people in gas chambers. After gassing, the corpses would be burned in specially built crematoria. To inform the party and state officials of the general procedures for the final solution, a conference was held at Wannsee, outside Berlin, on January 20, 1942. Reinhard Heydrich outlined the steps that would now be taken to “solve the Jewish question” He said “ In the course of the practical implementation of the final solution is Europe is to be combed through from west to east” They had all the Jewish people in camps because they were trying to get rid of every single Jew in Germany and only wanted Germans and specific people in the …show more content…
The Nazis also considered the Gypsies of Europe a race containing alien blood, they were systematically rounded up for extermination. In Germany about Forty percent of Europe's one million Gypsies were killed in the death camps. The leading elements of the “ Subhuman “ Slavic peoples, the clergy, intelligentsia, civil leaders, judges, and lawyers were arrested and deliberately killed. Approximately four million Poles, Ukrainians, and Belorussians lost their lives as slave laborer for Nazi Germany, and at least three to four million Soviet prisoners of war were killed in captivity. The Nazi killed mostly everyone or had them in concentration camp were later died there. Everyone in Germany was living a terrible moment going through this chaos. After Adolf Hitler’s successes in the east, he set in motion the machinery for the physical annihilation of Europe’s Jews. Adolf Hitler got rid of Jews because he only thought Germans were the ones who rule the world so they killed them all. Adolf Hitler wanted things the way he wanted to but other refused and started wars or trying to shut Germany down before they invade

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