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Rain, Go Away Foreshadowing

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Every book has a story to tell. But what is hidden in that story is a lesson. The story “Rain, Rain, Go Away” by Isaac Asimov has one of those lessons or themes. Lillian and George Wright have new neighbors, the Sakkaro Family. But this is not any ordinary family. They are always worrying about the weather. Whenever they see a cloud, they get afraid and run inside. The Wright’s notice this behavior, and consider them to be weird and strange. The theme of this short story is Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover. For example, from the beginning of the story on, Lillian would keep an eye open for the neighbors actions. Lillian observed that they were always worried about the weather. “‘She’s always looking at the sky; I’ve seen her do it a hundred times and she’s never been out when it’s the least bit cloudy. Once, when the boy was out playing, she called him to come in, shouting that it was going to rain.’” This is a quote that Lillian says to George about the Sakkaro Family. It shows that Lillian is talking about how aberrant the Sakkaro Family seems to be. …show more content…
The item or part that represents the foreshadowing is the cup of water. Lillian went over to the Sakkaro’s house to invite the family to go to Murphy’s Park. While at their house, Lillian had asked for a glass of water. “‘I asked for a drink of water and she held the glass underneath the tap and poured so slowly so that not one drop fells in the sink itself… And when she gave me the glass she held it with a clean napkin.” By now, the Wright’s thought something was definitely unusual with these people. It was as if they were afraid of

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