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Ramadan, the Month of Fasting


Submitted By Rufana
Words 315
Pages 2
Ramadan, The Month of Fasting Islam has relatively few holidays compared to most other religions, nevertheless, their sacred days and times are very important to Muslims. One of the most important and honorable holiday for all the faithful Muslims all over the world is Ramadan. It is a holy month of fasting. In Islam, all adult Muslims must fast in this month.
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk each day. They are supposed to avoid eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activity, as well as unkind or impure thoughts and words, and immoral behavior. Fasting for Muslims during Ramadan typically includes the increased offering of prayers and recitation of the Quran. The meaning of fasting is spiritual growth of the person, rethinking all the actions, the choice of priorities of the life. It is very important for them, because they believe that during this month, their sins are forgiven by God. Anyway, fasting for Muslims is, first and foremost, the opportunity to remove from the forbidden things and determine the true values of life.
Even if the Muslim is unable to fast for valid reasons, he can compensate it. He should feed the poor or help the needy for each day of fasting. The sick and elderly, along with travelers, pregnant women and those who are nursing are exempt, although they are supposed to make up for the missed fast days sometime in the future or help feed the poor.
The conclusion of Ramadan is marked with a major celebration, its name is the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, where Muslims have to feed not only their family and friends, but also their neighbors, the homeless and the poor. And that's very good, because this is an example for all people.
Works Cited
“Islamic holidays and festivals.” 10 Nov. 2015. Web. 4 May. 2016. <>

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