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Submitted By raybillandrew
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Name: Raybill Andrew S. Castro
Year & Section: II- D
Problem #1: Time Management

Title of the Study | Author | Date Published | Data/ Result Theories | Website | Attitude | Abby | Posted on August 26, 2013 | In order to stay motivated and keep in good spirits, you need to make sure that you have time not only for your course work, but also for something that you enjoy. | | Focus | Dan Goleman | Posted october 8, 2013 | The importance of being able to direct and sustain our attention on everything from, well, everything! Not paying attention is downright dangerous. The inability to focus and sustain attention can rob us of relationships, deep knowledge, career accomplishment, peace of mind, and high test scores. But, as Goleman's book makes clear, we can learn to focus. | | Goal | The Open University | Posted May 20 2013 | Think about your short-term goals, such as completing an assignment. Try to divide your work for an assignment into manageable chunks that you can schedule into to the study sessions you have available. Breaking up a large task like this helps your motivation, so you really do get started on a particular study task. By setting goals and getting used to working to a plan you'll find it easier to stick to your study schedule. | | Motivation | Steven C. Howey | Posted 2008 | Educators across the country are frustrated with the challenge of how to motivate the ever increasing number of freshmen students entering college who are psychologically, socially, and academically unprepared for the demands of college life. Such students often exhibit maladaptive behavior such as tardiness, hostility towards authority, and unrealistic aspirations. | | Be organized | Hai Nguyen | Posted on June 14, 2012 | It saves you time to find information for a class. Create data repositories for each of your class. This could be as simple as creating a folder for each class, and then putting any information related to that class in that folder. | | Plan ahead | Kelci Lynn Lucier | n/a | Do you have a large research paper due the last week of the semester? Work backward in your calendar and figure out how much time you need to write it, how much time you'll need to research it, and how much time you'll need to pick your topic. If you think you'll need six weeks for the entire project, work backward from the due date and schedule the time into your calendar before it's too late | | Prioritise | | | You probably have a lot of things to do, so assess how important and how urgent the tasks are; then make sure high priority tasks get done first and are not put off on a regular basis. Avoid time wasters! | | Use all available time | | | This is an especially good strategy if you are pressed for time. You don’t necessarily need a block of time in order to study. Students often have time between classes, travel time, etc. There are lots of study tasks that can be accomplished in short periods, such as reviewing main points of a reading or a lecture. | | | | | | | | | | | |

Name: Raybill Andrew S. Castro
Year & Section: II- D
Problem #2; Budget Planning Title of the Study | Author | Date Published | Data/ Result Theories | Website | Tuition |
Michael Mitchell | Posted June 4, 2014 | Most states in the past year have begun to restore some of the cuts they made to higher education funding after the recession hit. In almost all states, however, higher education funding remains well below pre-recession levels, as we explained in a recent paper. The large state funding cuts have led to both steep college tuition increases and spending cuts that may diminish the quality of education for students. | | College Fees and Fines | | | | | Transportation | n/a | Posted 07 May 2014 |
By having prior knowledge of the transport options available in your local area you will be able to provide timely information on the nearest bus, tram or train lines and the services available to get to your school | | Food | ucsd_ucla_dad | Posted August 2009 | This can vary a lot depending on the student, habits/desires, what the parents are willing to fund, and what the student is willing to take. It can also vary depending on whether they're a vegetarian, big meat eater, or frozen dinner type of person. | | Project | Engineering for change | | Engineering for Change provides a forum to connect, collaborate, solve challenges and share knowledge among a growing community of engineers, technologists, social scientists, NGOs, local governments and community advocates, who are dedicated to improving the quality of life all over the world. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Name: Raybill Andrew S. Castro
Year & Section: II- D
Problem #3:

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