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Re: Week 10 Discussion


Submitted By lilathompson84
Words 1676
Pages 7
Determining Causes and Effects
Lila Thompson
Rodney L. Baker
ENG 115 English Composition
May 22, 2016

My research on determining the cause and effects of stress on college students is complied at the request of the President of Strayer University. The purpose of presenting this research paper to senior administration is to help students have a more positive college experience. College is a new and exciting time, but it can be overwhelming. Among all of the new experiences, learning, and growing opportunities available in college environment, many may lead to unhealthy levels of stress which hinder students’ abilities to socialize and to achieve their academic goals. Recognizing the source of stress is important in preventing it from becoming unmanageable or debilitating. There are several reasons why students are stressed out in college, therefore this research paper seeks to explain the major causes and effects of stress on college students, the economic effects of the cause, and the effects on people.
What is Stress?
Stress is the body’s reaction to a challenge. Though stress is often perceived as bad, it can actually be good in some respects. The right kind of stress can sharpen the mind and reflexes. It might be able to help the body perform, or help us escape a dangerous situation. Stress produces a physiological reaction in our body. Hormones are released, which result in physical manifestations of stress. These can include slowed digestion, shaking, tunnel vision, accelerated breathing and heart rate, dilation of the pupils, and flushed skin. This process is often referred to as the “fight or flight” response. That is just what it sounds like: Our bodies are poised to either run away from the stressor or stick around and fight against it (Cohen, 2016).
The Major cause of Stress
The major cause of stress on college

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