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Reason and Objections to Obtain an Mba


Submitted By vemery
Words 1105
Pages 5
Reasons and Objections to Obtain an MBA Van Emery MGT 521 May 09, 2011 Walter Goodwyn Abstract In this paper the subject to address are the objections to obtain an MBA and argue the points with reason to obtain an MBA. The three main objections to entering an MBA program are: 1) Cost, 2) Time and effort required, and 3) Job availability in the current economic slowdown. Each argument against obtaining an MBA is countered with evidence that supports reasoning to obtain an MBA at almost any time, personal situation or career position.

Reasons and Objections to Obtain an MBA Masters of Business Administration An MBA or a Master of Business Administration is a degree that provides training in the theories and practices of business management. An MBA degree certifies that the recipient has detailed knowledge of functional management roles found in most organizations. The MBA is recognized worldwide as a valuable asset for business and administrative careers. The first MBA program started in the 1900s and has evolved over the past century as the business requirements for a highly skilled management have become mandatory in the globalization of the economy. MBA programs have become specialized and more accessible to full-time workers. Some of the concentrations for an MBA are accounting, health care management, technology management, global management, and human resources management. These concentrations allow more specialization and more opportunities in the job market. Objection 1: Cost A major factor that most objectionable to an MBA is the monetary cost to obtain the degree. Tuition can range from $20,000 to $ 50,000 per year to receive an MBA degree. Harvard

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