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Reflective Essay: The Great Depression

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"Here's the earnings report, sir," said the intern placing the files on my desk. "Thank you," I responded as I began skimming through the papers. "Seems like business is doing well, huh?" "Absolutely. We project that our stocks will continue to rise throughout the next quarter". It seems like it was just yesterday I was sitting on top of the medical products throne. There was no one in the world that could stop my success. Though, how did I get there? Never in a million years would anyone think Earle Dickson would be partying with the top executives of Johnson & Johnson. To get where I was, it took months of pure stress and uneasiness. I would have never expected the outcomes. Right after graduating high school, I left everything behind, …show more content…
We wedded in 1917. I would be lying if I said our marriage was blissful. Problems erupted as soon as we settled down. New work hours pushed back my personal life, and arguing became a common occurrence. We went as far as separating. The woman I once knew as the love of my life was slowly disappearing into the depths of depression. Josephine's carelessness caused her many burns and cuts. My guilt starting building up with each new scar. I wished to treat her injuries, but work was always in the way. I was determined to devise some manner of bandage that would stay in place, be easily applied and still retain its sterility. Every night after Josephine would head to sleep I would sit at my desk and develop prototypes. Trial after trial would end up failing. One day I found the solution. I rerolled tape and gauze so that whenever Josie would get injured, she could easily rip off a piece. Word got around of my new invention and my boss, James Johnson, asked to see it. The bandages were going to be a hit. Turns out it wasn't; they were not successful. I adjusted the bandages and they became an instant hit. It was marketed as Band-Aids through Johnson & Johnson. The success of my product made me well known inside of the company. I swiftly climbed the corporate ladder with vice president being the peak of my career. I no longer worked long shifts and instead managed the company at

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