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Rel 212


Submitted By mtd96
Words 873
Pages 4
In order to determine if the people on earth are religious data must first be acquired regarding the knowledge or beliefs in their origins, purpose of existence, and view of life or existence beyond mortality. Discovery of this information is the basis that will determine the attitude of the human capacity for religion.
Do the majority of humans believe that they were created or evolved by a guiding hand of providence, or do they believe that what they are is the result of accidental evolution? What is their view toward the purpose of existence? Is there something to be gained or lost by the way they live their lives, and what matters most to them? Will their mortal lives reflect anything beyond their mortal existence, and if so do their actions in mortality have any determining factors to what they become? Do they have any hope for individual life or a higher plain of existence beyond this physical existence when they die?
Most groups believe that they originated from the creation of a supreme being. The specific details as to how this was accomplished are quite diverse; however, the one most common trait is the perception of the creator as a parental figure. The attitudes and characteristics of the creator range from gender, form, power, and interest in the human race, all of which result in a common practice of worship. Most people will gather in groups of similar beliefs and discus, worship and pray together. The forms of worship vary and are almost solely dependent upon the deity of worship and the beliefs of the group. There are many groups who worship the same deity, but have differing practices and rituals. However, there do seem to be significant changes to many of the divers groups from their histories that are shared with the changes of society and global norms such as the practice of animal or human sacrifice.
The beliefs in the purpose of existence

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