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Reports & Research


Submitted By tobals
Words 292
Pages 2
'My approach to Business Reports and Research'
I have decided to keep my sources in-house by utilizing LOIS; “Los Rios Online Information System”, as a base for sources. I am not opposed to other sources, but in the interest of time I am not able to devote the time necessary to vet other databases outside this academia environment. There is no doubt LOIS information is credible. To ensure I have some idea how to vet information sources. I did take the time to read about how to vet informational databases for future knowledge.
I relied on the stands that I have already experienced with my academic journey. As a student that is about to graduate, I can honestly say Los Rios school district have provided many sources of information towards learning. Students just have to avail themselves to them. There has been many good experiences with fact finding since enrolling in ARC. To put it plainly, at this point I am very comfortable with LOIS.
The choice to use LOIS alleviates any need for assessment. The plan is to gather US government own stats for the number of manufacture, businesses, business processes and jobs loss over the last two decades. Interviews and articles where elected officials, heads of governmental departments and CEO’s explaining when, why, where and how these major decisions impact the American way of life. Who benefits from such decisions?
Limited the results to production of reports to within the last year. Because I plan to obtain articles or view points from alternative sources, some believe these sources to be banned or not credible. Balanced this against government and corporation use of secrecy to keep the cost of their objective hidden. Basically eliminate the agendas promoting globalization.

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