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Resource Revolution


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Are you ready for the resource revolution?
Stefan Heck and Matt Rogers Meeting increasing global demand requires dramatically improving resource productivity. Yet technological advances mean companies have an extraordinary opportunity not only to meet that challenge but to spark the next industrial revolution as well.

Most cars spend more than 95 percent of their time sitting in garages or parking lots. When in use, the average occupancy per vehicle is well below two people, even though most cars have five seats. Roads are likewise extremely inefficient. Freeways can operate at peak throughput (around 2,000 cars a lane per hour) only when they are less than 10 percent covered by cars. Add more, and congestion lowers speeds and reduces throughput. Most roads reach anything like peak usage only once a day and typically in only one direction. For a visualization of these dynamics, see Exhibit 1.

The story is similar for utilities. Just 20 to 40 percent of the transmission and distribution capacity in the United States is in use at a given time, and only about 40 percent of the capacity of power plants. The heat-rate efficiency of the average coal-fired power plant has not significantly improved in more than 50 years—an extreme version of conditions in many industries over the past century. Automotive fuel-efficiency improvement, for example, has consistently lagged behind economy-wide productivity growth. Underutilization and chronic inefficiency cannot be solved by financial engineering or offshoring labor. Something more fundamental is required. We see such challenges as emblematic of an unprecedented opportunity to produce and use resources far more imaginatively


and efficiently, revolutionizing business and management in the process. Indeed, rather than facing a crisis of resource scarcity, the world economy will be revitalized by an array of business opportunities that will create trillions of dollars in profits. To put this new era in context, think back to Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations (1776), which identified three primary business inputs: labor, capital, and land (defined broadly as any resource that can be produced or mined from land or disposed of as waste on it). The two industrial revolutions the world has thus far seen focused primarily on labor and capital. The first gave us factories and limitedliability corporations to drive growth at scale. The second, from the late 1800s to the early 1900s, added petroleum, the electric grid, the assembly line, cars, and skyscrapers with elevators and airconditioning, and it created scientific management, thus enabling corporate globalization. But neither revolution focused on Smith’s third input: land and natural resources. Our argument is relatively simple: • Combining information technology, nanoscale-materials science, and biology with industrial technology yields substantial productivity increases. • Achieving high-productivity economic growth in the developing world to support the 2.5 billion new members of the middle class presents the largest wealth-creation opportunity in a century. • Capturing these opportunities will require new management approaches. Rather than settling for historic resource-productivity improvement rates of one to two percentage points a year, leaders must deliver productivity gains of 50 percent or so every few years (Exhibit 2). The outlines of this next industrial revolution are starting to come into sharper focus: resource productivity is the right area of emphasis, and the opportunities for companies are extraordinary. In this article, we’ll explore the business approaches most likely to unlock the potential and then highlight ways senior managers can integrate tomorrow’s new technologies, customers, and ways of working with the realities of today’s legacy business environment.


Exhibit 1 Stuck in neutral: cars are notoriously underutilized and inefficient.

Time for a resource revolution
Energy flow through an internal-combustion engine
Inertia Aerodynamics Rolling resistance Auxiliary power Transmission losses

Energy used to move the person (productive use)

86% of fuel never reaches the wheels

Engine losses


2.6% driving (productive use)

0.8% looking for parking 0.5% sitting in congestion

The typical American car spends ~96% of its time parked

An American road reaches peak throughput only 5% of the time—even then, it is only 10% covered with cars
Source: Amory B. Lovins and the Rocky Mountain Institute, Reinventing Fire: Bold Energy Solutions for the New Energy Era, 2011; Wolfgang S. Homburger, James H. Kell, and David D. Perkins, Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, 1992

Winning the revolution
We believe the businesses that capitalize most successfully on the resource revolution will employ five distinct approaches, either individually or in some combination. We explore all five of them in our new book, Resource Revolution, but focus here on three: substitution (the replacing of costly, clunky, or scarce materials with


less scarce, cheaper, and higher-performing ones); optimization (embedding software in resource-intensive industries to improve, dramatically, how companies produce and use scarce resources); and virtualization (moving processes out of the physical world). The remaining two are circularity (finding value in products after their initial use)1 and waste elimination (greater efficiency, achieved by means including the redesign of products and services). For more on the waste-elimination approach, see “Bringing lean thinking to energy,” on Businesses that have harnessed these five models include Tesla Motors, Uber, and Zipcar (now owned by Avis) in transportation; C3 Energy, Opower, and SolarCity in power; Hampton Creek Foods and Kaiima in agriculture; and Cree, DIRTT, and Nest Labs in buildings. As we show in our book, these companies have the potential to upend traditional competitors and create previously unimagined business models. For examples of what this might look like at scale, see the sidebar, “Twelve companies of tomorrow.”

The guiding principle for substitution is to consider every resource a company uses in its core products and every resource customers use or consume and then to look for higher-performing and less expensive, less risky, or less scarce materials that might work as substitutes. But don’t think of the new resources as replacements for the current bill of materials. Look instead at how substitution might deliver superior overall performance, much as electric motors are more efficient and provide better safety and acceleration than traditional internal-combustion ones. Carbon fiber, for instance, not only saves weight but allows companies to build quieter, betterperforming, more efficient, more comfortable, and more beautiful cars (Tesla) or airplanes (Boeing’s Dreamliner). These opportunities are extraordinary because many new materials have begun to reshape industrial and consumer products. A much richer understanding of materials science at the nanoscale level, combined with advanced computer-processing power, has catalyzed a broad revolution in surface properties, absorption characteristics, and optical and electrical properties.
1Our McKinsey colleagues Hanh Nguyen and Martin Stuchtey, along with McKinsey

alumnus Markus Zils, discuss the circularity approach in “Remaking the industrial economy,” McKinsey Quarterly, February 2014, on

Q2 2014 5 Resource Revolution Exhibit 1 of 1 Exhibit 2 A step-change improvement in resource productivity is required to sustain GDP growth.
Productivity improvement,1 % per year Actual (1990–2010) Materials Food Energy Water Greenhouse gases (reduction in carbon per unit of GDP) 1.3 0.8 1.4 1.7 2.5 Required to meet global demand as middle class grows (2010–30) 1.3 1.5 3.2 3.7 5.3

1 Productivity improvement in energy measured in GDP/Btu (British thermal unit); materials, GDP/metric ton; water,

GDP/cubic meter; food, yield/hectare; and greenhouse gases, GDP/ton of carbon-dioxide equivalent. Source: Resource Revolution: Meeting the world’s energy, materials, food, and water needs, McKinsey Global Institute report, 2011

For example, activated carbon, typically made of nanoparticles with custom-engineered pore sizes, is dramatically improving the efficiency of water filters, electrodes in batteries, and potentially even power-plant exhaust scrubbers. For the first time since the development of leaded crystal, centuries ago, glass is being reinvented— from high-bandwidth optical-networking fiber to Corning’s Gorilla Glass, which allows touch screens to capture the imagination in portable devices and, soon, on larger interactive screens. A company called View is even creating “dynamic glass,” which changes its visible- and infrared-light transmission characteristics so that windows can be programmed to block the sun on hot days but to capture sunlight in the depths of winter. That would reduce the need for heating and air-conditioning in Mediterranean climates, where cool nights mix with hot days. Substitution extends even to food production. Hampton Creek Foods, for instance, has developed a plant-based egg substitute for baked and processed foods. Called Beyond Eggs, it uses peas, sorghum, beans, and other plants to make a product that tastes like eggs and has the same nutritional properties. The company says its process is already


nearly 20 percent less expensive than the production of eggs, and costs will fall as scale increases. Hampton Creek also says its product will suffer less from drought. At the moment, about 70 percent of an egg’s cost comes from corn, a crop susceptible to drought and increasingly linked to the price of oil, while Hampton Creek uses hardier crops and therefore does not compete with biofuels (or risk salmonella infections). So, Hampton Creek’s egg substitute may cut costs and risks for major food producers. Spotting substitution opportunities takes hard work. Apple and GE have gone through the periodic table element by element, assessing which ones pose the biggest risks for supply, costs, and regulation. These companies have developed substitution opportunities for each risky element. Similarly, we recently completed a review for a major oil company, looking at the resource risk in its supply chain, and found that the lack of available water would probably cut its growth sharply below expectations over the next decade. Looking a decade ahead gives companies a time advantage over competitors in responding to potential constraints.

Another way for companies to boost the productivity of existing resources is to optimize their use—for instance, by integrating software into traditional industrial equipment or providing heavy equipment as a service, something most businesses can do at every level of activity. GE, for example, outfits its jet engines with advanced software and sensors that yield important real-time maintenance data midflight. As a result, planes can radio ahead with spare parts and servicing requirements before they land. GE often prices its maintenance per hour of flight, so anticipating and streamlining maintenance activities is critical to business profitability. Komatsu, the industrial-equipment manufacturer, goes even further, optimizing the use of its equipment essentially by creating a market that lets customers rent to and from each other. Need a $300,000 earth mover for just a few days? Komatsu will help find one that would otherwise be sitting idle. Have unused equipment? Komatsu will help find a company to rent it.


Some methods of optimization are surprisingly straightforward. UPS reduced fuel consumption and improved safety and speed by rerouting its trucks to avoid left turns. We helped a large utility shave 30 percent off its meter-reading costs just by restructuring service routes to reflect new traffic conditions and customer-use patterns. And the US Air Force is optimizing fuel consumption by having some of its planes fly in convoys. The new patterns, which copy the way geese “vortex surf” in V-formation, save up to 20 percent on fuel—a huge amount for one of the world’s largest fuel consumers. Implementing the new configuration was not expensive. Maintaining the precise separations between planes required nothing more than changing a few lines of code in the autopilot. Pilots also needed some training not to override it manually. As companies consider which opportunities have the most potential, the guiding principles should be these: What expensive assets could be integrated with software and sensors? Which pieces of equipment are used only for a small portion of the time? What energy-intensive equipment is active without performing a function? This could be construction equipment, shipping containers that go back empty, or simply planes circling airports waiting for congestion to clear. All lend themselves to IT solutions that optimize routing, timing, loading, or sharing.

As a thought experiment, create a list of physical objects or products that you no longer own or use, even though they were an everyday part of your life just five or ten years ago. For many people, that list might well include traditional calculators, paper calendars, cameras, alarm clocks, or photo albums. All of these have been rendered virtual by smartphone technology. Virtualization means moving activities out of the physical world or simply not doing things, because they’ve been automated—and both challenge business models. Companies struggle to embrace virtualization because they don’t want people to stop doing things that generate revenue, which always seems to drop more than costs do when activities move into the virtual realm. Look at newspapers, which get from a digital ad just 16 percent of the revenues they got from a comparable print ad.


Likewise, car companies don’t want people to drive less, but that’s what’s happening in developed countries. Miles driven per capita peaked in 2004 in the United States and have declined steadily since. The reasons aren’t entirely clear yet: the decline started before the recent recession and has continued even as the economy rebounded. Higher gas prices are surely a factor, but probably more important is the fact that many people are doing things virtually that they used to do by hopping into cars. For example, the recent holiday shopping season demonstrated how much Americans now rely on online purchases. Even US teenagers have shown a declining interest in driving, according to statistics on the age when Americans get their first license (the ability to connect via social media being a possible reason). Skype and other video-chat applications further reduce the need to drive somewhere to see someone. Work, too, is becoming more virtual as people increasingly use online media and virtual private networks to connect productively without needing an office. Virtualization will happen whether companies want it or not, so they need to prepare themselves. Nest Labs, a start-up purchased by Google, has already shown what’s possible. The company took a traditional, boring, analog piece of equipment—the thermostat—and turned it into a digital platform that provides dynamic energy and security services (and could one day deliver entertainment, health care, security, and communication services to homes). Several years ago, it would have been hard to imagine ordinary alarm clocks going virtual. What’s next? Could everyday items like eyeglasses, keys, money, and wallets soon disappear in the same way? Do cars and trucks need drivers? Should drones deliver packages? Can IBM’s Watson and other expert systems provide better and safer maintenance advice in industrial settings?

The integration challenge
Making the most of any of these models represents a huge change to the way companies operate, organize, and behave. The influence of big technological changes, among them the rise of big data and


the Internet of Things,2 guarantees that for most companies, the biggest initial challenge will be systems integration: embedding software in traditional industrial equipment. Building and running these systems represents one of the biggest managerial challenges of the 21st century. Going far beyond the current networks of phones, roads, and the like, the most complicated and powerful network yet is now being built. In it, devices embedded in power lines, household appliances, industrial equipment, and vehicles will increasingly talk to one another without the need for any human involvement. For example, by the end of the decade, cars will communicate directly with each other about speeds, direction, and road conditions. The reach of these integration capabilities will go far beyond infrastructure and manufacturing. Today, for example, clinicians diagnose depression through a lengthy assessment. But simply matching call patterns and GPS signals on a phone to determine whether someone has become a hermit is a more accurate diagnostic approach, not to mention a better early-warning signal.3 To make the most of such opportunities, health-care companies must figure out how to integrate systems far beyond the hospital. Systems integration has been a discipline for a long time, but, frankly, most companies aren’t very good at it. This is especially true in resource-intensive areas where technologies have been in place for decades or longer (the electric transformer outside your house, for example, was invented in the 1880s). One reason is that the problems are intrinsically hard, often involving billions more data permutations and combinations. Systems integration is more like trying to manage an ever-evolving ecosystem than solving the sort of finance problem one encounters in business school. Despite the challenges, companies can do three things to increase the odds of success greatly: create simple software building
2Markus Löffler and Andreas Tschiesner, “The Internet of Things and the future of

manufacturing,” June 2013,
3Devon Brewer, Tracy Heibeck, David Lazer, and Alex Pentland, “Using reality mining to

improve public health and medicine,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, February 2009.


blocks, expand frontline analytical talent, and apply computationalmodeling techniques whenever possible—then test, test, test to learn and refine.

Recognize the scope
Simply realizing that systems are subtle and that lots of variables are interacting simultaneously will give any company a head start. Starting with a few simple software building blocks lays the foundation for success. The case of US power distribution is instructive. The build-out of the US electric grid has been called the 20th century’s greatest engineering achievement, but the grid’s basic technology has changed little since the time of Edison and Westinghouse. The average circuit is 40 years old, and some have been around for more than a century. The grid is showing its age. This translates into declining reliability and increasing costs and risks for utilities and their customers. The average utility generally learns about problems with its power lines when customers call in to complain rather than by receiving information on the problems directly. Issues at substations often have to be addressed by sending maintenance workers into the field to flip a switch, not by having someone in a central control room make the change—or, better yet, having the grid sense the problem and either fix it automatically or route electricity around it. Utilities have to overcome their own inefficiencies and adapt to the rapidly shifting contemporary environment. Homeowners, for instance, are putting solar panels on their roofs, depriving utilities of many of their most profitable customers. Utilities will now have to figure out how to integrate into the grid the power these homes sometimes make available. Once electric vehicles are deployed in large numbers, utilities will have to get used to the power equivalent of a commercial building unplugging, moving, and plugging back in somewhere else. Utilities must develop capabilities for integrating—in real time—not only what they are doing but also what all the related interconnected players are doing.


The era of big data will also have a huge effect. At the moment, the average utility collects about 60 million data points each year—five million customers and a dozen monthly bills. When smart meters, distributed generation, and electric vehicles come into widespread use, the average utility may have to handle five billion data points each day. The grid will almost need to be redesigned from scratch to get the full benefit of the new types of solid-state transformers, as well as the ability to sense problems and solve them automatically and, essentially, to have little power plants on millions of rooftops as solar prices keep coming down.

Expand frontline analytical capabilities
Mastering the building blocks of the resource revolution will also require intelligent organizational design and excellent talent management. In some cases, the specialized knowledge and knowhow won’t be at hand, because companies are dealing with new problems, but each manager will need to find any expertise available. Software skills, specialized engineering, nanotechnology, and ultralow-cost manufacturing are just four of the many areas where talent will be scarce. In some instances, it will make sense for companies to form partnerships with businesses in other industries to gain access to specialized expertise. In other cases, companies will have to develop new management skills from scratch. Some of the need will occur at the top of organizations, among leaders. The leadership skills required to deliver 10 to 15 percent annual productivity gains for a decade or more are a far cry from the incremental-improvement skills that marked the generation of leaders after World War II. Business-model innovation will no longer be just for start-ups or technology companies. Frontline workers too will have to learn how to use massive amounts of analytical data to perform heavy industrial tasks. These frontline workers will need to be educated, whether by schools, the government, or employers, to undertake this technical work. For example, resource productivity requires frontline gas-leak detection teams to make sophisticated decisions based on big data and advanced analytics, leveraging technology to find and fix leaks rather than just walking the block with the technological equivalent of a divining rod. Many traditional blue-collar workers need a knowledge worker’s skills, such as the ability to analyze data, evaluate statistics, identify


the root causes of problems, set parameters on machines, update algorithms, and collaborate globally. The good news is that while the search for new organizational models and new talent in new places will be extraordinarily taxing, just about all of the competition will face the same problems. The sooner management starts confronting the gaps a company is facing, the sooner it is likely to close them—and gain an edge on the ones that don’t.

Model, then test
Because systems are so complex, the only way to know for sure whether a process works is to test it. But, these days, a company can do an awful lot of that testing through computer models. For instance, the US national labs—notably Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia—have maintained the nation’s nuclear capabilities without testing live warheads for decades, by using advanced computational methods. Now companies can deploy these same techniques to accelerate product development. One defense contractor used computer modeling to test thousands of potential new materials at the atomic level to find a few superlight, high-performance, and very reliable composites for next-generation jet engines. The best manufacturers of batteries can test their performance for thousands of hours, across an extremely broad range of operating conditions, in the Argonne National Laboratory battery-testing facility outside Chicago, dramatically accelerating product innovation. For example, when ATMI, a materials-technology company, went looking for a better way to extract gold from electronic waste than traditional smelting methods or baths of toxic acids, it resorted to computational modeling of combinatorial chemistries. The resulting eVOLV process uses a water-based solution that’s safe to drink and is dramatically cheaper than the traditional methods. Moreover, the process allows the collected computer chips to be reused, since they are never exposed to high temperatures or acids (the toxic solder is collected as a by-product). The equipment can even be placed on a truck for processing e-waste at collection sites. This is what we mean when we say a resource revolution will open up solutions that are not only cheaper and more efficient but also better.


The resource revolution represents the biggest business opportunity in a century. However, success requires new approaches to management. Companies that try to stick to the old “2 percent solution” (just improve performance by 2 percent annually and you will be fine) are going to become obsolete quickly. Businesses that can deliver dramatic resource-productivity improvements at scale will become the great companies of the 21st century.
Stefan Heck is a consulting professor at Stanford University’s Precourt Institute for Energy and an alumnus of McKinsey’s Stamford office. Matt Rogers is a director in the San Francisco office.

This article is based in part on the authors’ book, Resource Revolution: How to Capture the Biggest Business Opportunity in a Century (New Harvest, April 2014).


Twelve companies of tomorrow
While we possess no crystal ball, we can imagine the next 20 years giving rise to global companies that exploit the new resource-productivity fundamentals and look different from today’s leaders. Here are 12 possibilities:

Maximum Oil Enterprise (MORE) companies would 1 from wells. TheyRecovery advanced sensor networks and operatingget more oil would use techniques to recover 60 to 70 percent of the oil in every field, up from the traditional 20 to 30 percent—reducing risk and reducing the need to drill in remote, difficult areas. Efficient Resilient Grid Operator (ERGO) would capitalize 2 shift from an analog, hub-and-spoke power gridbusinessesintegrated digital on the toward an network. The new grid would connect many distributed-power generators. It would also incorporate storage so power can be generated at more efficient times, rerouted to handle shortages, and flow in both directions. Digital transformers sharply reduce power losses in transit. HOme Unified SErvices (HOUSE) firms homes more completely 3 than security, utility, and media companieswould reach into data from mobile do today, using devices to provide services enhancing comfort and convenience. For example, this technology would not only anticipate and recognize your preferences for lighting, temperature, health services, news, education, and music but also use them as you move from place to place. Organizer for Travel (COST) 4 Convenient details, such Service rooms, and tickets tocompanies would efficiently handle travel as rides, events. COST companies would optimize routing and inventory—users would type in where and when they wanted to go and COST handles the rest, choosing among shared, electric, or autonomous cars, trains, and planes. Recovery of Waste (GROW) companies would be the most profitable 5 Global using microfluidic technologies to recover high-value products in waste miners, streams: gold and silver from consumer electronics, lithium from geothermal effluent, and high-value rare-earth metals from electronics, for instance. GROW miners would also provide heat, power, and fertilizer from organic waste. WAter DElight (WADE) would use nonchemical-purification techniques 6 mineralization technologiesfirmsprovide high-quality water for agriculture and the and to world’s best drinking water. Through partnerships that reduced waste, increased recycling, and provided networkwide leak detection and management in cities, such businesses would ensure that water systems needed new water for only 20 percent of their total annual requirement. The health benefits from expanded fresh-water access would more than pay for the infrastructure.


7 8

Fresh Organic Opportunities Delivered (FOOD) companies would be global, integrated organizations that locally produced high-quality, nutritious food using one-tenth of the water and energy of existing methods. Lightweight Innovation Technology Engineering (LITE) enterprises would make carbon fiber cheaper than aluminum. Cars, trucks, ships, planes, and buildings will become safer and more efficient (and more pleasing, aerodynamic, and comfortable). Additive manufacturing allows for the quick replacement of parts anywhere. Carbon-fiber recycling helps close the loop and promotes a “circular economy.” Government Operations Verified (GOV) firms would be low-cost service providers that let governments use standardized technology platforms to deliver personalized services—for example, passports and drivers’ licenses, health and retirement plans, and tailored career training and advice. Many private companies would deliver efficient, innovative services over the GOV platforms, like apps on mobile platforms today. SEnsor Network SOlutions (SENSO) companies would give businesses trillion-point, integrated sensor networks and access to a marketplace of algorithmic analyses of sensor data. Much as Google search terms created a new field of research, these companies would give small ones access to big data and the tools to make business decisions using it. Equipment As Service for You (EASY) enterprises would expand the experience many companies have with software as a service by developing businesses based on equipment as a service, but on a larger scale than today’s rental companies. Small businesses could get access to the most advanced heavy equipment, with remote-operations capabilities to handle high-value local requirements. Basics All Supplied in Container (BASIC) firms would serve emerging markets and offer companies access to some of the least advantaged people in these regions by delivering essential infrastructure in rugged containers. This infrastructure might include solar power, electrical storage, cell-phone towers, phone charging and service, water pumping and purification, LED lamps, and Internet access (with dedicated channels for information and services). BASIC firms would bring low-cost energy, water, and communications to the next billion consumers in developing markets.





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...Family Life The family life has changed a lot through time. There have been different values that were valued higher or lower depending of what decade we lived in. Only a hundred years ago the family life was completely different. You did not talk to your parents the same way you do today. You could not behave the same way that you do today, and most of all, you could not misbehave the same way as you do today. There have been a lot of changes through time because the adults have had different ways to look at children. A child today is not the same as a child from 1900. The child today is not only viewed as a child, but also as a human being who is growing up. The children today are viewed as the future of our world. In modern family life, there are a lot of values that you have to be focused on. Sometimes it is difficult to balance all these different aspects of life, but somehow we seem to figure it out anyway. Based on how the modern family life is in Denmark today we have some negative and some positive sides of family life. There have been a lot of changes of how the decisions in the house are taken. A hundred years ago the children had nothing to say when it comes to that, but now the parents always think of what the children would like to do. There is a lot of ways to raise your children, and some may work better than other. I have been raised by a mother who is very concerned about how I behaved when I was around other people. As a child I was very shy, when...

Words: 778 - Pages: 4

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What Is a Revolution?

...The definition of a revolution is an “overthrow of government” or the “overthrow of a ruler or political system”. This term is generally used to describe an uprising by a disenchanted mass to overthrow existing ideology and practice and bring about major political, economic, social or cultural change in a society. Revolutions are mainly caused because of social and economic inequalities between classes causing the oppressed masses to become disillusioned with extreme excesses of the ruling classes. They then come together and revolt against the existing ruler or regime, often in a bloody movement. This is certainly true when describing the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution, which not only brought about regime change through violent mass mobilization, but also overhauled the social, economic institutions of the time. So a revolution is essentially a struggle in which the holder of a power loses that power against their will. Aristotle’s view on revolutions was rather confined than its modern day interpretation. He suggested the doctrine of ‘stasis’ as a reason for revolution and decline of institutions, ‘stasis’ being an arrest of the political processes of a healthy polis leading to its political system breaking own and degenerating into violence and internal warfare. For him, the condition that led to all revolutions was the desire of the many for equality versus the desire of the minority for effective superiority. In an overview of Book V of ‘Politics’, it can...

Words: 1078 - Pages: 5

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...Army Reserve: A Better Choice Stacy Tharpe Devry University With tensions building around the globe, it takes a multi-tiered force of highly trained, committed Soldiers to protect our freedoms and uphold democracy. This force consists of Active Duty Soldiers and Soldiers in the Army Reserve. (US Army) Many families struggle with the decision to enlist Army Reserve or Active Duty. Evaluating your current living situation can help in the final decision. Army Reserve allows you to serve your country while still having a civilian life. I believe Army Reserve is a better choice for someone with a family, despite the limited benefits, because it allows personal choice of living, more time with loved ones, and provides benefits. The Army Reserve allows soldiers more flexibility in making living decisions. The Army Reserve is stationed at home unless called to active duty. The Army Reserve makes up a significant portion of the Army. One of the positive factors about the Army Reserve is the ability to live a civilian family life in their local hometown. The soldiers also have the option of living on or off base. Being able to remain in their local hometown, the Army Reserve soldiers can hold full-time civilian jobs. A civilian job helps the soldiers strengthen their technical skills that are also taught in the Army. The flexibility makes it easier to rely on the Army Reserve to meet complex demands for the future at home. Its Citizen- Soldiers embody the warrior mindset and spirit...

Words: 1016 - Pages: 5

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Christian World View

...Crystal Cook April 12, 2012 CWV101-Crawford Family Television Review The situation comedy that highlights family values and functions for this Family Television Review is the show called The Parkers. The name of the family is The Parkers which is a family with a single mother and a daughter both attending college. Observations of the family lead me to the conclusion that their worldview is between a naturalism and secular worldview. While watching the show The Parkers I have observe that The Parkers live they life base off naturalism and secular because they are fulfilling their dreams in life regardless of what people might say or believe. On the following episode e the the mother Nikki Parkers truly believes her and the professor is a couple and he is cheating on her with some skinny women. The Nikki character is following the professor around and trying to find out what he is up too even though it is clear they are not a couple and will never be. The other character is Kimberly Parker she is clearly not the smartest character on the show but her personality makes up for it. She has this bubbly personality that is easy to get along with and she always has some silly or funny to say that make people take a double take. They both do things that make them feel good about themselves like going to college to farther themselves in life, they both like fashion and attention from men. The Parkers are there for each other regardless of what might happen and they do not...

Words: 604 - Pages: 3

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Solve the Problem

...Solve the problem Solve the problem Describe creative process The four stages in the creative process as described in Ch. 5 of the text are the following: searching for the problem, expressing the problem or issue, investigating the problem or issue, and producing ideas. * Stage one of the creative process – searching for the problem – emphasizes the importance of responding to problems in triggering one’s creativity (Ruggiero, 2009). * Stage two centers on expressing the problem or issue in numerous ways and finding the most creative and helpful ideas. * Stage three objectives is obtaining the information necessary to solve the problem or issue. * The fourth and final stage of the creative process deals with producing the ideas necessary to solve the problem or determine a stance on the issue. Personal Challenge Considering the four stages in the creative process that work to solve an issue or problem, a personal challenge that I can apply the stages to would be in re-evaluating myself as a whole and making life changes to become a better wife, mother, and person in general. I used and applied three out of the six techniques described in Ch. 6 to determine which areas needed the most work. The first technique, “being observant,” help me realized how tired my husband has been in dealing with our children shown through his look, the faint circles under his eyes and slower movement in his style. I realize that I can be from more help and...

Words: 1332 - Pages: 6

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Japan and China's Reaction Towards Western Culture

...Joaquin Caceres AP WORLD HISTORY ESSAY: Japan & China Between the years 1750 and 1900, China and Japan had different reactions towards the influence of western culture. Both nations had movements that incorporated Western influence and had opened a few ports in order to establish a trading connection with the western economies. However, Japan avoided a military conflict and remained powerful while China didn’t accept Western influence causing a western revolution. Also, China refused to introduce foreign influence which led to many revolts and wars while Japan continued accepting this influence. Both China and Japan had movements that introduced western ideas. In Japan, the Meji restoration was based on a German model with a democratic constitution. Some of these influences were seen in their army that incorporated western technology and in the businessmen that started to use western methods. In China during the self-strengthening movement the western influence had an impact on their society. They incorporated railroads, small scale industries, arsenal factories and they improved structure in many fields. Both nations opened ports for western trade. Japan at first had a limited interaction with western people by establishing just one port for trading. Later on the Japanese government realized that this wasn’t a smart move for their economy since trade was extremely important. The Canton System was the base on which the Chinese relied on. They set strict restrictions...

Words: 446 - Pages: 2

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Breaking Through

...Reading 93 Francisco Jimenez Do you know about illegal people cruzing the line board? Well this is boy name Francisco Jimenez immigrated with his family to California from Tlaquepaque Mexico. He and his family came to the United stated because they wanted a better life. This family passes through very difficult moments.. Francisco had too much travel going to school, having a career and getting his goals true. Frist of all Francisco Jimenez had too much travel going to school. It was difficult to him, he failed his first grade by knowing any of English and even though his teacher reported him to the border patrol he didn’t want to return to Mexico. Francisco enjoyed leaning and he knew that there was no school in El Rancho Blanco. Every year in winter time he had to miss a few months of school to help his parents to support the family working in the fields. Francisco never left the school. Furthermore, Francisco Jimenez wanted to be a teacher and have his career. In addition when he passes to college he was very impact because it was very expensive. Francisco keeps working hard picking fruits in the field but he did pay much, but he never give up. Francisco started to talk and insist more with Mr. Robert Penney his counselor about the way to get into colleges and get a scholarship for the time he will spend there and he got it. More over after a long and difficult hard work Francisco got his goals true. In short Francisco Jimenez got accepted in Santa Maria University...

Words: 371 - Pages: 2

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60's Essay

...the youth in America began to question these beliefs. They felt that their parents' values were not enough to help them with the social hardships of the 1960s. They rebelled by against their prior ways by letting their hair grow long, and wearing odd clothing. Their anger was strongly communicated through music. Rock-and-roll music had become very prominent in America in the 1960s. Many people did not approve of it because they thought it was too sexual and demeaning, and they found the words inappropriate and harmful. The beatles came out with a protest song called “Revolution”. A revolution defined is, a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.” This song was mainly about revolting against the social order of our society. They wanted to “change the world” as they state in their song. This reflects the concerns of the society at the time because if the rebel and start a revolution, they can not let the government control everything they do. Therefore the fear of control would be alleviated. Also, this song was about wanting peace within our society. As they...

Words: 606 - Pages: 3

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Friedman Family Assessement

...How is the family meeting affective, socialization, reproductive, economic and health care functions (See Chapters 14, 15 and 16 for more detail explanations of functions)? Identify the developmental stage of this family; what are the developmental tasks this family must achieve during this stage? What do you believe is their present ability to achieve these tasks? (See Chapter 5). What are the short and long-term stressors impinging on this family? What strengths counterbalance these stressors? How is the family reacting to these stressors (identify functional and dysfunctional coping strategies)? Formulate one nursing diagnoses for this family. If there is not enough data in the case study to assess the above, what questions/information is needed to assess these criteria? Nursing dx ineffective role performance??? The Smith family case study was very interesting in many ways as I began pin-pointing and comparing their lifestyle to other families I have had the pleasure of meeting and knowing in the healthcare setting as well as out of it. It introduces various, both positive and negative, factors and concepts the family experiences on a daily basis allowing the reader to depict and critique those concepts. Family meeting affectiveness and socialization. An example addressed in this particular case study is the family meeting’s affectiveness. In my opinion the delayed and not often constructive gatherings or meetings the Smith’s have place the family in danger of total familiar...

Words: 1009 - Pages: 5