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Risk and Quality Assessment


Submitted By Nespinosa22
Words 1768
Pages 8
Risk and Quality Management Assessment Summary
The organization for this summary is a Skilled Nursing Facility. The facility, Park Regency Care Center is located in La Habra, California. The skilled nursing facility provides nursing care in services for speech therapy, wound care, IV therapy, nutritional support, and medication and disease management. As well as rehabilitation in services for occupational therapy. The primary customers they serve are men and women around 55 years and older in age. The organizations care focuses on their customers who are in need of 24 hour care in support in transferring back home at prior level functions. The "Park Regency Care Center" (2013) website at Park Regency Care Center, under a physician’s directed treatment plan, we work with our residents and their family members to develop comprehensive individualized care plans for our residents to promote their recovery with goal of achieving the medically optimal result. Risk and Quality Management
The purpose of risk management and quality management in health care organizations in general are to reduce the risk and implement changes for improvement and standards of the organization. Risk management improves management the proper way. According to Parker, Smith & Feek, Inc (2015), “Risk management is typically a hybrid function bridging a number of disciplines to reduce the incidence of organizational loss” (para. 2). In quality management it works side by side with risk management in improving management the constant way. Which gives the evaluating of their organization quality and efficiency in relation to the standards being engaged. The risk and quality management in Park Regency Care Center purpose follows for the care and needs of their patients. In maintain quality in the commitment to patient care and safety. Key Concepts
The key concepts in risk and quality

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