Premium Essay

Rob Davis


Submitted By emcee215
Words 6158
Pages 25
Rob Davis Marketing Plan Draft 1
Bes Kept Entertainment, LLC
Joseph Corson
Sunday May 13th, 2012

Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary Page 3
2.0 Situation Analysis Overview Page 4
2.1 Market Summary Pages 4-5
2.2 SWOT Analysis Page 6
2.3 Competition Pages 6-8
2.4 Product/Service Offering Page 8
2.5 Keys to Success Page 8
2.6 Critical issues Page 9
3.0 Marketing Strategy Page 9
3.1. Mission Page 10
3.2 Marketing Objectives Pages 10-12
3.3 Financial Objectives Pages 13-14
3.4 Target Markets Pages 14-15
3.5 Positioning Page 15
3.6 Pricing Strategies Pages 15-16
3.7 Marketing Attack Strategy Pages 16-18
3.8 Marketing Research Pages 18-19
4.0 Controls Page 20
4.1 Progress Milestones Page 20
4.2 Marketing Organization Page 21
4.3 Contingency Planning Pages 21-22
5.0 Conclusion Page 22

1.0 – Executive Summary
Bes Kept Entertainment is a management and promotion company for music artists. This paper will be about the marketing plan for our artist Rob Davis. First, the target market will be addressed, and what Bes Kept Entertainment is, and what the plan will be to market Robert Davis. In the Market Summary, the target market will be addressed in detail, and key points about the market will be described. Next, a SWOT analysis will uncover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for marketing Rob Davis.
The competition in the market will be addressed along with other companies that Bes Kept Entertainment will be competing against in the market place. You will read about the product Bes Kept Entertainment is offering and the keys to success to drive the product, which is our artist Rob Davis. Critical Issues about the marketing plan will be uncovered.
Next, you will read about the marketing strategy and the mission of Bes Kept Entertainment. In the next section, the focus

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