Free Essay

Rock of Ages


Submitted By sevcreo
Words 15225
Pages 61
Event Business Plan

Submitted by:

Submitted to:

Derya Aydogan
Taylor Dees
Alex Fullerton
Annika Glaser
The Okanagan School of Business

Dr. Blair Baldwin, The Okanagan School of
Chad Douglas, Events Manager, Tourism Kelowna

December 2, 2014

Executive Summary
Rock of the Ages Music Festival is a brand new festival designed for Tourism Kelowna. The purpose of the music festival is to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate the rock music genre to celebrate its evolution. Rock of the Ages music festival will host many rock bands, or their tributes, from the early 50’s to today. The festival will be three days during August 14th, 15th and 16th in 2016 with two stages along the waterfront. The music will progress from older to newer rock music. Each day will have a different theme to match the age of the music playing that day. An event brief describes what the event will look like from a customer’s perspective.
In the first year of operation, Rock of the Ages expects 5,000 attendees and 20+ rock bands. The music festival will have a revenue stream from ticket sales, sponsors, merchandise, space slips (vendors), alcoholic beverages, VIP experiences, parking and transportation. Rock of the Ages has six major competitors in Canada: Centre of Gravity, NXNE, Sled Island, Osheaga, Boonstock, and Heavy Montreal.
Rock of the Ages marketing goals for 2016 are to: Sell-out 5,000 tickets; Ensure at least 4,500 (90%) of attendees are from Canada; Sell 70% of tickets by April 30, 2016; Reach 20,000 people via IMC efforts by
April 15, 2016; and to Ensure 85% of attendees are satisfied with Rock of the Ages.
The population of the central Okanagan is expected to see a continuous growth rate of 1.7% yielding an estimated population of 205,867 by 2015. The Central Okanagan has access to an approximate population of 10,320,860 in western Canada, and an approximate population of 62,540,131 in the western United States. A SWOT analysis is of the event and the team is provided.
Festivals are popular in Canada and there are plenty of them each year. Most of the festivals in Canada are primarily visited by young people. After examining other festivals, it can be concluded that there is not enough effort made to include older people in festivities. Rock of the Ages provides older people with the opportunity to sit and enjoy the performances if they don’t want to be standing in the crowd for hours.
There are plenty of lounging areas where attendees can relax and enjoy the festival. Rock of the Ages is the festival to visit with your parents and grandparents if you are the age of 19 and older because there are so many activities for each age category to partake in. A promotional strategy outlines the different promotional efforts to reach both younger people and older people to make sure both demographics are reached effectively.
Legal and reputation risks will be mitigated through the employment of security and partnering with the
RCMP. Financial risks will be mitigated by the incorporation of vigorous control efforts.
Rock of the Ages has a variety of options for sponsors which will generate an estimated $290,000.
Tickets will be sold through the website and phone hot-line for an average of $300 per ticket equaling an estimated $1.5M. Revenues from the sale of merchandise, vendor slips, and alcohol contracts will also be generated in estimated amounts of $138,000, $15,000, and $21,000 respectively. Total costs are estimated at $576,000 and total profit is estimated to be $1.06M.

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Project Description........................................................................................................................................ 2
Marketing Goals ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Event Brief ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Organizational Strategy ................................................................................................................................ 5
Situational Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 6
SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................................................... 7
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning ..................................................................................................... 7
Positioning Statement................................................................................................................................... 9
Integrated Marketing Communications........................................................................................................ 9
Sponsorship Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Sales and Attendance.................................................................................................................................. 12
Pricing Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Risk Management ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Operations Brief .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Event Budget ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 24
References .................................................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix A – Canadian Competition .......................................................................................................... 27
Appendix B – Proximity to Markets ............................................................................................................ 31
Appendix C – Access to Markets ................................................................................................................. 32
Appendix D – SWOT Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 33
Appendix E – Promotional Elements .......................................................................................................... 34
Appendix F - Sponsorship Price Levels ........................................................................................................ 35
Appendix G - Diamond Sponsorship ........................................................................................................... 36
Appendix H – Platinum Sponsorship ........................................................................................................... 37
Appendix I – Gold Sponsorship ................................................................................................................... 38
Appendix J – Silver Sponsorship.................................................................................................................. 39
Appendix K – Bronze Sponsorship .............................................................................................................. 40
Appendix L – Ticket Sales Break-Even Analysis ........................................................................................... 41

Appendix M – Event Layout ........................................................................................................................ 42

List of Tables
Table 1: Pricing Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 13
Table 2: Merchandise.................................................................................................................................. 14

Four students from the Okanagan School of Business have planned a brand new music festival for
Tourism Kelowna. In order for Tourism Kelowna to be able to implement this event, broader research had to be done to build this event business plan that gives the client a concrete idea of the implementation of the Rock of the Ages festival.
This event business plan will give the client an overview of Rock of the Ages, a brand new rock music festival in Kelowna. The purpose is to bring people together who appreciate the rock genre to celebrate the evolution of rock music. The focus hereby is to develop an exciting new event idea within the possible circumstances given. Our client, Tourism Kelowna, would benefit from this event because it will draw more visitors to Kelowna, which means that more money from outside will be put in the economy of Kelowna.
When reading this Event Business plan for Rock of the Ages music festival, the client will be lead through several important steps that have to be considered before implementing the event. This report contains, amongst others, an event brief to get a better insight into the event, sales and marketing strategy, and a risk management plan which are crucial for its success. Furthermore, an estimated budget is given, to be able to identify the financial scope of Rock of the Ages.

Project Description
Our client is Tourism Kelowna. It is seeking to increase the number of overnight visitors to the Central
Okanagan during the summer months. Rock of the Ages Music Festival is a brand new festival. The purpose of the music festival is to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate the rock genre of music, and to celebrate its evolution. Rock of the Ages music festival will host many rock bands, or their tributes, from the early 50’s to today. The festival will be three days during August 14th, 15th and
16th in 2016 with two stages along the waterfront. The music will progress from older to newer rock music. Each day will have a different theme to match the age of the music playing that day. Attendees can dress up as their favorite musician. There will be many vendors for food, beverage, and merchandise sales as well as a bus shuttle service to and from the festival.
In the first year of operation, Rock of the Ages expects 5,000 attendees and 20+ rock bands. However, the anticipated vision for Rock of the Ages Festival is to become the largest rock festival in Canada. The festival will rekindle the spirit of rock music and inspire a new generation of rock artists. We will provide the unique opportunity for attendees to become part of the evolution, and rekindling of rock music. The festival will position Kelowna, B.C., Canada as the incubator of rock and attract various demographics of individuals to the central Okanagan.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


The music festival will have a revenue stream from ticket sales, sponsors, merchandise, space slips
(vendors), alcoholic beverages, VIP experiences, parking and transportation.

Ticket Sales (Different days, levels, combinations, whole weekend)
Sponsors (Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Merchandise: “Rock of the Ages” merchandise (CDs, Shirts, Posters, other swag)
Space Rentals (Vendors will pay for their space)
Alcohol: space sales in the beer gardens
VIP experiences: meet and greets with bands, early access, avoid line-ups, private beer garden, after party access

Rock of the Ages’ direct Canadian competitors are listed below. For details about each Canadian competitor, see Appendix A - Canadian Competition.

Centre of Gravity: July 24th - July 26th, 2015 in Kelowna BC, Canada
NXNE: June 17th - June 21st, 2015 in Toronto ON, Canada
Sled Island: June 24th - June 28th, 2015 in Calgary AB, Canada
Osheaga: July 31st - August 2nd, 2015 in Montreal QC, Canada
Boonstock: July 31st - August 3rd, 2014 in Penticton BC, Canada
Heavy Montreal: August 7th - August 9th, 2015 in Montreal QC, Canada

Marketing Goals

Sell-out 5,000 tickets for Rock of the Ages 2016 o To ensure enough revenue is generated to cover costs and make a profit o To attract the most popular bands o To be the most popular rock festival in Canada
Ensure at least 4,500 (90%) of attendees are from Canada o To ensure the majority of attendees are within Canada for ease of promotion o To establish Rock of the Ages as the leading rock music festival in Canada o To create strong buzz marketing within Canada
Sell 70% of tickets by April 30, 2016 o To gather revenues to cover expenses o To estimate the number of attendees for communication purposes to vendors and partners Reach 20,000 people via IMC efforts by April 15, 2016 o To ensure the target market is aware of the event and where to purchase tickets o To sell the maximum amount of tickets: 5000 tickets
Ensure 85% of attendees are satisfied with Rock of the Ages 2016

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


o o To ensure strong buzz word marketing within Canada
To improve the quality of the event to retain customers and encourage future growth

Event Brief
In this section, we will outline the event from the consumer’s perspective. It is important for Rock of the
Ages to deliver an exceptional consumer experience that will influence satisfaction, loyalty and future attendance. Therefore, it is important that the event create a pleasurable and safe atmosphere where attendees can enjoy the music and event.
When the consumer arrives at the site, he or she will be welcomed by volunteers who will lead them to the entrance of the festival from the parking lot. There will be several gates at the entry where security will be present to check attendees so that no alcohol, knives, or other dangerous materials are brought into the venue. The attendees will receive a coloured wristband depending on the type of ticket they have purchased. After they check-in and have passed a security check, they will enter the venue. The most noticeable thing upon entering the festival will be the look of the venue. The venue will be decorated depending on the day and the era of music; 50s, 60s, 70s, etc. There will be two big stages that will be decorated with the theme and big screens so everyone can see the performing artist.
The table below shows the decades of music which will play at the two stages.
Stage 1
Stage 2

August 14th, 2016
50s and 60s

August 15th, 2016

August 16th, 2016
Current decade

Customer experience is about perception and perception is about emotions. To contribute to the perception of the consumer, the design of the stages will be changing each day of the festival to match the theme of the music playing that day. The consumer will see, and will be a part of, the evolution of rock music through time. It will be translated into every corner of the festival venue. Over the duration of the event weekend, imagine the look of the festival changing from black and grey colours, into a red and purple Woodstock theme, and finally bright colours and fireworks. Each day there will be new posters, banners representing the rock stars of that specific decade, and a continuous chain of “staged miracles,” confetti machines and bubble blowers for example, to create the party spirit for attendees.
Merchandise sales will also be altered to the decade theme each day where attendees can buy shirts of
Elvis Presley one day then shirts of Nirvana on another.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


There will be competitions held each day where people can win prizes based on their costumes, and their pictures uploaded onto social media, music videos etc. In the vendor area, there will be lounges where attendees can get make-overs to look like their favourite stars, learn basics of how to play an instrument of their choice, photo booths to get their pictures taken, and a recording studio to record their own music video while doing karaoke or playing an instrument as their favourite rocker. The lounge area will be designed to match the theme of the music playing that day and big posters of rock stars of that decade will be hanging on display and finally, there will be a beer garden on the beach.
All of these are tangible items, items that the consumer can physically see, touch, smell and taste. They include the unique look of the venue and the themed foods and drinks. Staff clothing will also match the theme of the day. This is an example of intangibles, which again contributes to the consumers’ perception. There is no other festival in North America currently where rock music evolves from old to new within the course of a few days where someone can partake in the evolution of rock music by dressing up as their favourite artist and rocking their socks off while making their own music video.
Most importantly, Rock of the Ages attracts people of all ages above 19 years of age. Special efforts will be made so that each generation’s needs will be met. There will be special areas where people can sit down, relax, eat something, and later join the venue to stand. This will be done in a location where they are still able to enjoy the music. Attendees will also notice several information tents around the venue where questions can be answered by employees. Also, there will be a first aid post and security will be present throughout the venue to make sure the event proceeds with minimal risk involved to ensure attendees safety.
Reporters and radio DJs will be present at the festival so they may tour the event, interview attendees, and take pictures. These interviews and photos will provide real-time content for online and over-the-air promotion of the event while it is happening. The event will end with a bang; literally, there will be a big fireworks show as a finish.
All of this will contribute to create emotional customer engagement and establish the Rock of the Ages brand image. Due to this, Rock of the Ages will design its customer’s journey to consistently deliver exciting, intended experiences by continuously focusing on improving customer experiences each and every year.

Organizational Strategy
The main goal is to eventually become the leading rock festival in Canada where people above the age of 19 can have a good time together while enjoying the evolution of the rock music genre. In order to achieve this, Rock of the Ages must exceed customers’ expectations by providing a safe and entertaining environment. Any possible threats must be identified beforehand to mitigate their risks in order to properly execute the event. These risks will be described in detail in the risk management section.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


The marketing and sales department of Rock of the Ages have several goals to make sure the Rock of the
Ages festival is executed successfully. They are responsible to make sure exciting promotional material is created and distributed to increase consumer awareness of the event. The promotional material provided by the department will be delivered and communicated in a careful, well-thought way ultimately leading to its goal of 5,000 ticket sales.
Another important goal is for sustainability of the event so it may be operated in the future. Enough excess revenue is required so that the festival can be easily carried out in the following years even more spectacular than the year before. Therefore, a focus on growth in revenue and ticket sales is incredibly important for future execution.
Below, you can find the situational analysis in relation to our event. These analyses are useful for Rock of the Ages’ organizational strategy because within the internal situation strengths and weaknesses of
Rock of the Ages are identified. The external environment identifies opportunities and threats. It is important to identify threats because they could get in the way of the successful execution of the event and its long-term goals mentioned in the strategy above.

Situational Analysis
The population of the central Okanagan is expected to see a continuous growth rate of 1.7% yielding an estimated population of 205,867 by 2015. The Central Okanagan is a central point amongst major urban centres in western Canada and US, with urban centres like Vancouver, Seattle, and Calgary being 396km,
542km, and 612km away respectively. The Central Okanagan has access to an approximate population of 10,320,860 in western Canada, and an approximate population of 62,540,131 in the western United
States. See Appendix B – Proximity to Markets and Appendix C – Access to Markets (Central Okanagan
Economic Development Commission, 2012)
In 2012, the tourism industry in Kelowna yielded approximately 1.5 million visitors annually, spending approximately $279,000,000, and created 7,072 direct jobs (Tourism Kelowna, 2011).
Tourism Kelowna seeks to increase the number of over-night visitors during the summer slow periods.
Rock of the Ages will contribute to Kelowna’s tourism industry. Visitors from outside of Canada are expected to attend the event and bring tourism dollars into Kelowna.
If Tourism Kelowna were to host this event with us, there would be a link created between the event and the Kelowna tourism industry. As mentioned in the upcoming SWOT analysis, our team lacks experience. Tourism Kelowna would bring a high level of expertise in executing the event. Profits from the event would increase Tourism Kelowna’s funds, ultimately enabling future growth. There would be an increase acceptance for the event and allow for easier partnering opportunities. Finally, it would provide the expertise and experience to absorb the tourism impacts caused by the event.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


SWOT Analysis
Rock of the Ages is the only concept for an evolution of rock music festival. The rock genre of music is the most popular genre of music in the world. This paired with an excellent choice of timing for the event, during the summer, and being located in a highly attractive venue for tourists, City park in
Kelowna B.C., taps into a very large market. The City of Kelowna is known as a major tourism destination and thus has plenty of resources for events along with a newly improved transit system to bring patrons to the event. See Appendix D – SWOT Analysis.

The Rock of the Ages music festival is a brand new event and thus is unknown to its target market. This, along with a team who is inexperienced and lacks connections and resources are the major weaknesses of the event.

Due to the event being planned for the first time, it will be carried out on a small scale in 2016.
Thereafter, if it is successful, there will be opportunities to further develop the event, develop relationships with potential partners, and procure desirable bands for the event. Other opportunities exist with promotion of the event internationally.

Some determining factors of whether or not the event will be a success are the confirmation of the venue and attainment of a special event liquor license, and, of course, the weather. Concerns from the public have been raised in the past about outdoor music festivals in the local area. Some of Rock of the
Ages’ competitors have tainted the outdoor music festival industry in the area, which have led to a possible rejection of future music festivals. Furthermore, some organizations may be unwilling to partner with a music festival, which the event relies heavily on sponsorships help cover costs of the event. Rock of the Ages has six direct Canadian competitors; one of which, Centre of Gravity, is also organized during the summer in Kelowna, BC, Canada.

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
From geographic segmentation we can identify two large groups of consumers. These are Canadian consumers and international consumers. It is more obvious to assume that in order for Rock of the Ages festival to become a leading Rock festival in Canada, it has to attract many Canadian consumers to generate awareness and positive word of mouth within the country. International consumers could be from the United States of America and Europe.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


There are plenty of festivals in the world that have created an excellent example of exceptional execution where people from all around the world are attracted to attend. For example, Tomorrowland in Belgium is a notable global music festival that according to the website attracts 180,000 people from all around the world of 92 nationalities including Canada (Hottrip, 2014). Hence, if the implementation of the event is unique and exciting, festival lovers and excitement seekers from all around the world would be willing to attend. This includes a behavioral factor of consumers who are loyal to music and festivals and frequently purchase tickets for festivals. This is important to us, because the event is held in the summer in Kelowna, BC, which is renowned for its beautiful summers. The Kelowna location might also attract tourists that come and visit one of the most popular wine regions in the world.
After segmenting the market, a target market was chosen. The important thing was to choose a target market that was large enough but also relevant. Once determined, it is most effective to tailor all promotional activities around the target market.
Rock of the Ages’ target audience includes everyone who is 19 years of age or older and has an appreciation for rock music. It includes all people who seek excitement; entertainment; and who want to celebrate life; have an appreciation for rock music and festivals; and people who want to socialize; enjoy culture; escape reality and stress; or spend some together with the family during the summer. In summary the target compromises people who want to have a good time, enjoy music, and are prepared to pay a reasonable amount of money for the experience (Lee, Lee, & Wicks, 2004).
Festivals are popular in Canada and there are plenty of them each year. Most of the festivals in Canada are primarily visited by young people. After examining other festivals, it can be concluded that there is not enough effort made to include older people in festivities. This may be because older people have the tendency to stay away from younger demographics. For Rock of the Ages it is important to bring people of all ages and races together to enjoy the rock music genre. The very nature of the event segregates individuals of different age demographics, while at the same time providing a space where like-minded people with similar music interests may meet.
Rock of the Ages provides older people with the opportunity to sit and enjoy the performances if they don’t want to be standing in the crowd for hours. There are plenty of lounging areas where attendees can relax and enjoy the festival. Rock of the Ages is the festival to visit with your parents and grandparents if you are the age of 19 and older because there are so many activities for each age category to partake in. Parents can enjoy the music they grew up listening to while their kids rock out to their favourite songs in one of the lounges on one day, and then Metallica’s live performance on the other day as decades proceed for example. Grandparents are able to join the party and have fun with their kids and their grandkids in a way they have never been able to before. We simply want to bring together like minded people who enjoy rock music and spending time with their families and friends.
Rock of the Ages Festival doesn’t want to be associated with sex and drugs in any way.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


The main difference will be in the manner of promoting the event since we will reach younger people through social media and older people through more conventional ways of marketing to make sure both demographics are reached effectively. In order to bring these demographics together, balanced IMC efforts are required to reach both segments effectively and meet their needs through the implementation of our event.

Positioning Statement
Rock of the Ages is the only Canadian rock music festival that provides everyone who is 19 years of age or older with an opportunity to be a part of the evolution of rock music through the numerous entertainers, activities, and themes in ways that have never been done before.

Integrated Marketing Communications
Since Rock of the Ages will provide music ranging from the 50’s to now, it satisfied the needs of numerous generations. These generations range from the Depression, those born in between 19241934, and Generation Y, those born in between 1977-1997. As such, it must have a marketing strategy, which will reach each generation, and lead each generation through the AIDAS model; attention, interest, desire, action, and sales.

Promotional Goals
1. To Think - Reach 20,000 people with promotional efforts by April 15, 2016
2. To Feel - Create positive feelings and emotions towards Rock of the Ages 2016
3. To Do - Sell 5,000 tickets for Rock of the Ages 2016

Plan, Elements, and Integration
Three messages will be communicated to the target market, each in succession. These messages address the three goals of marketing communication; Think, Feel, and Do. The first goal, To Think, is to generate awareness of the event. No one will come to the event if they aren’t aware it is happening.
The second goal, To Feel, is to create a positive feeling, emotion, or opinion towards the event. Once they are aware of the event, it is important that the individual be attracted to the event. Finally, the third goal, To Do, is to provoke action from the target market either by purchasing a ticket, or by spreading positive word-of-mouth to others.
Each message will be tailored to appeal to each generation in order to reduce promotional costs.
Furthermore, each promotional element for each message will be integrated and consistent with one another. ‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


As stated before, the purpose of this message is to create awareness of the event. This message will be
“Rock of the Ages Music Festival: Re-discover and celebrate the evolution of rock ‘n roll!”

The message “Celebrate the evolution of rock ‘n’ roll with friends and family!” will be used to generate a positive feeling and outlook of the event within the target market’s minds.
Finally, to provoke the target market to take action, the message “Rock of the Ages Music Festival: Join the celebration for as little as $120” will be communicated to motivate the target market to purchase a ticket. Promotional Elements
Elements of the promotional campaign include:

Personal Selling

Social Media
Direct Mail

Corporate Identity

Each element will be integrated with one another to convey the same message. The message will be dependent on the marketing stage; To Think, To Feel, or To Do. As seen in Appendix E - Promotional
Elements, each promotional element specializes in communicating the message to certain generations.
By communicating through all of these elements, every generation ranging from Depression to
Generation Y will be reached. Each element, for each message, will contain information where the audience can learn more about the event or purchase a ticket; the website address, and the telephone number. Also in Appendix E - Promotional Elements, each promotional element has different distribution locations and has been assigned a budget. The total IMC campaign budget is $63,400.

Sponsorship Plan
Rock of the Ages has a variety of options for sponsorships; see Appendix F - Sponsorship Price Levels.
Since the rock festival demographic targets all ages 19 years and older, many businesses could be a potential sponsor.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


SW Audio Visual would be an ideal sponsor and considered a diamond level sponsor ($60,000) SW Audio
Visual would be an ideal sponsor because it can provide expertise, knowledge, and high quality production with staging, lights, sound, and visuals. In return, Rock of the Ages will provide SW Audio
Visual’s large company logo on the home page of the website, large company logo located on the two main stages, announced as a proud sponsor in all advertisements including marketing materials, at the mini-activities location, and the beverage garden area and four VIP weekend passes. Also, promotional material will be handed out to all attendees of the festival. By having SW Audio Visual as a main sponsor, the cost for the stage packages would significantly decrease. See Appendix G – Diamond
An ideal sponsor for the platinum sponsorship level would be a decorations company such as Avalon
Event Rentals. This company can provide decorations, tents, tables, chairs and many more items for special events and festivals. Avalon Event Rentals would be an ideal sponsor because the company can promote its business easily. The company would donate $30,000 in party supplies and rentals and in return, Avalon Event Rentals would have their large logo featured on the sponsor’s page and a small logo at bottom of the home page, the company logo in all mini-activity and beverage garden areas, two
VIP weekend tickets, and a medium size company logo in all advertisements. See Appendix H – Platinum
As a gold level sponsor, the sponsor would donate $15,000. Main sponsors Wicked Awesome Events will approach for the gold level sponsorship are Big Surf Beer and Okanagan Spring Brewery, Urban
Distilleries, and Okanagan Premium Cider. Alcoholic beverage choices will be sold at the event. Rock of the Ages will have over 5000 attendees of all demographics. The sponsors will be able to easily market to all of the demographics. The alcohol sponsors will benefit because their product will be at the event, which increases brand awareness for them. Alcohol sponsors will provide their own product and sell it at a determined price. From the sales of the alcohol, we will take 20 percent revenue of sales. Other ideal sponsors for the gold level sponsorship would be radio stations such as Q103, Sun FM, Country
100.7, and Power 104. These specific sponsors are ideal to the Rock of the Ages Music Festival because the sponsors can advertise to their specific target market, while promoting the Rock of the Ages Festival.
The radio stations appeal to a large demographic. By being a sponsor of the festival, the radio stations can increase brand awareness to thousands of attendees and promote their own brand name as well as ours. In return for being a gold level sponsor, the sponsors will have a medium sized logo featured on the sponsorship page and have employees/volunteers hand out promotional material. See
Appendix I - Gold Sponsorship.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


As a silver level sponsor, $10,000 will be donated and we will provide a small company logo on the sponsorship page and employees/ volunteers will hand out free swag to customers. Food vendors and caters such as Earl’s, Kelly O’Bryan’s, Doc Willoughby’s Pub would make an ideal sponsor as well because everyone attending the festival will need to be able to eat and drink. We would take 20 percent of all revenues from food sales. Costume shops such as Calowna Costume could provide costume rentals or other costumes people can buy. This would be beneficial to them because the attendees who dress up are more likely to dress up for other occasions such as Halloween as well.
Accommodations with Delta Grand Hotel, Prestige Inn Hotel, and camping sites would be an ideal sponsor for the silver level. It is important attendees have a place to stay close by. The hotels can have an increase in customers for slower weekends. These are ideal sponsors because the sponsors can easily promote their brand and products to the target market while reducing our bottom line. See
Appendix J – Silver Sponsorship.
As the bronze level sponsor, the business will donate $5,000 and the company would receive a small logo located on the sponsorship webpage. A taxi company such as Yellow Taxi would be a good sponsor to discourage drinking and driving and offer free rides home for people to decrease our liability and manage risk. See Appendix K – Bronze Sponsorship.
Any business or company that is related to the Rock of the Ages theme is encouraged to provide cash donations. Costumes, accommodations, stage set up, and food are key elements to the theme of Rock of the Ages. It is important all of our sponsors match the theme of Rock of the Ages Music Festival.

Sales and Attendance
Because Rock of the ages will take place in the peak season in Kelowna, where a number of other events take place too, reaching and attracting potential customers early in the season is crucial. Therefore, ticket sales have to be easily and early enough accessible for the target market of Rock of the Ages, which are people who appreciate rock music and are 19 years of age or older.
The event team of Rock of the Ages is planning to create awareness as well as excitement for the festival through various marketing channels. These include social media, personal selling, newspapers, television, radio, magazines, billboards, direct mail, exhibitions and merchandising, to attract all possible customers of various ages. Through all these channels they will be directed to the website of the event, where further information can be found and tickets can be purchased easily and safely.
Because Rock of the Ages also attracts people of the older generation, which might not be willing or able to use the Internet to buy a ticket, they can also be purchased on the phone. To avoid chaos at the actual festival there will be no pick up booth. Instead all tickets are being sent home to the customers directly. ‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Pricing Strategy
Rock of the Ages will employ an even-price lining strategy, which is different pricing for different target customers. The price of the ticket will be a rounded number as to depict value to our customers. The different customers are based on life-style preferences such as what decade of rock music they enjoy.
As each day will host differing decades of rock music, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s on Friday, 80’s and 90’s on
Saturday, and 00’s and 10’s on Sunday, there will be differing prices for each day. There is also the option to purchase an event ticket, which includes the entire weekend.
Table 1 shows the Rock of the Ages pricing schedule.
Table 1: Pricing Schedule



This pricing strategy will be communicated through various promotional materials such as posters, handbills, newspaper and magazine ads, and the website; items which the target audience can take with them to contemplate or show their friends and family.
These prices are comparable to ticket pricing of other music festivals happening around the same time.
These are reasonable prices that are attractive to the target market, which will allow for higher ticket sales. However, lower prices equates to less revenue.

Sales Strategy
A Rock of the Ages ticket includes the date, time, bar code, price, level, disclaimer, map, and contact details. Customers will be able to buy their tickets on the Rock of the Ages’ website
( or they could call the ticketing service hot-line at 1-888-555-ROCK. All tickets will be sent to the customer’s home address after payment is received; credit card or direct deposit. This is because the ticket is attached inside a CD cover that includes a disc with rock music of the past decades. Rock of the Ages wants to excite customers before the festival starts with a relevant gift. The customer won’t be charged for extra costs because the cost of the ticket is already calculated in the sales price of the ticket.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Along with the ticket, a festival checklist with information regarding preparation “do’s and don’ts” will be sent to the customer. When customers are buying their ticket, they also have the opportunity to buy a parking ticket online or via phone. Parking tickets will be discussed in detail in the operations brief.

Rock of the Ages will provide an offering of merchandise that customers may purchase to remember the music festival. Merchandise includes ball caps, sunglasses, t-shirts, tank tops, wristbands, leather jackets, posters, blow-up guitars, and CD’s. These items will be available through the website, or through a Rock of the Ages vendor within the event. Pricings for these items can be seen in table 2.

Table 2: Merchandise

Ball Caps
Tank Tops
Leather Vest
Blow-up Guitars


Risk Management
During the Rock of the Ages event, a number of risks exist such as legal risks, financial risks, and reputation risks. In order to minimize these risks, they have to be evaluated related to Rock of the Ages.
In order to be able to implement a successful festival four steps of risk management are critical to manage. These steps are: identifying, assessing, treating, and monitoring and reviewing.
The most important step for minimizing risks overall is working closely with the city, police, fire department, RCMP and security to identify risks and find the best ways to eliminate them.

Legal Risks
During the Rock of the Ages festival, alcohol is being served. Minors can’t attend the event. This eliminates the risk of underage drinking. This will be implemented through ID checks at the entrance. If a minor attends the festival with a fake ID that is not recognized by staff, the event operator is liable for any damage happening to that person or from that person.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Risks arise from adults who drink excessively. This has to be eliminated with a restriction on the number of alcoholic beverages served to those who seem to already be under the influence. Instead, these people will be offered free water to make sure they do not get dehydrated. If other people buy beverages for those intoxicated visitors, we as an event team cannot do much except instructing all staff to prevent this. Furthermore, staff has to identify people under the influence who are unable to walk, communicate, or seem to be a risk to others and remove them from the event, and provide a safe ride to their accommodation. Drunken people are a risk for others because they could potentially become aggravated and start a fight. As soon as staff identifies attendees showing any disposition for violence or other visitors report to staff about violent people, security has to intervene.
All of the above-mentioned does not only apply for people under the influence of alcohol, but also any other drugs.
The dealing in or use of illegal drugs and legal highs is not condoned by Rock of the Ages. Drug enforcement laws are as applicable during the event as anywhere else in Canada. Police will be at the venue and will deal with drug offences in agreement with Canadian law. If any attendee were to deal in drugs, he or she will be arrested. Illegal behaviour will not be tolerated and attendees will leave themselves liable for removal from the festival. To identify the people bringing drugs into the festival area, police will implement a thorough check assisted by drug detection dogs. This will take place after the security control of mainly bags and pockets of the attendees. Not only attendees, but also volunteers and staff of Rock of the Ages will undergo routine checks. Uniformed and undercover police officers will check incoming vehicles as well as monitoring the attendees during the event. Other than drug abuse, police have authority and will deal with crimes like theft.
Furthermore, all alcohol as well as other beverages are to be served only in plastic cups and no drinks can be brought by visitors into the festival area. This will minimize the risk of people throwing bottles in crowds and visitors being cut by broken pieces of glass.
The food venues will be outsourced. Therefore, the event organizers are not responsible for any food poisoning caused by the food provided. This is the responsibility of the food vendors and has to be stated in their contracts.
Another big risk factor during the event is the fireworks at the end of the last day. Therefore, it has to be made sure that this is set up and operated only by experts, and no access will be possible for others.
This also counts for the pyrotechnics on stage. To minimize these risks, a pyro-technician will be hired to operate these elements of the event.
The weather is a circumstance no one can influence, but Rock of the Ages has to be prepared accordingly for the worst-case scenarios. A risk for the festival would be extreme heat, where an increased amount of water for the visitors, either low in cost or free, has to be provided, as well as an increased amount of paramedics have to be available to treat dehydrated or collapsed people.
‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Furthermore, the right preparations have to be made in case a rainstorm would occur. This means that all electronics will be protected to avoid accidents. Also, protection has to be offered to the visitors such as rain capes, or tents to stand under to stay dry. If the amount of rain is too high for the festival to take place it has to be communicated to the holders of tickets via homepage, social media, and word-ofmouth. If the weather is too drastic, the event will be cancelled to ensure safety of our customers. If this were suddenly to occur while the event is taking place, no refunds will be issued.
A huge risk for events of a larger scale is the risk of panics in crowds. One example where this risk factor turned a huge festival into a catastrophe is the Loveparade 2010 held in Duisburg, Germany where a mass panic caused by congestion lead to the death of 21 people. This example shows how important it is to control the number of visitors so no visitors will be injured due to lack of space. Furthermore, the five entrance areas will be big enough for the visitors to enter and exit the event in a safe and timely manner. There will be emergency exits on each side of the event that can be reached quickly.
Moreover, smooth communication between all staff, most importantly security, has to be maintained.
This will be achieved via radio communication and over phone. In case of emergencies, speakers all over the event, including the entrance area, can be used to communicate procedures to all visitors.
The security hired has to be certificated and experienced in the field of music festivals to make sure they can handle the situation sufficiently. Also, staff and volunteers hired for Rock of the Ages have to be trained in risk management in order to be able to make the right decisions when required.
Moreover, paramedics will be available to help all kinds of injuries. Those paramedics have to be easily reachable, and will be stationed at first-aid tents around the event.
For all accidents that happen because people did not abide to the rules, such as minors attending the festival, a clause will be printed on the tickets and published on the website. This clause will contain a statement that states visitors accept that they have to behave appropriately at the festival and abide to rules and laws as well as orders by staff. If this is not the case, the event operator will not be liable for anything. Purchasing the ticket will activate this clause.

Financial Risks
To be able to minimize financial risks for Rock of the Ages, it will be ensured that enough sponsors are partnered with the event and that these sponsors will abide to their contract so the money or goods sponsored are available on time and at the right place.
One other source of revenue is the vendors on the festival area. Contracts for the right to use these spots have to be drafted and signed early enough to make sure there is enough food and beverages offered to the visitors.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Tickets sales are the major source of Rock of the Ages’ revenue. Therefore, market research will be conducted beforehand, to be able to see if enough visitors will actually pay for tickets to go to the festival. Because tickets are sold mainly via the webpage, but also via phone, an IT team has to make sure the webpage is always accessible and the phone lines work in order to make sales.
Special event insurance will be purchased to ensure minimization of liability due to extreme accidents
Rock of the Ages may encounter.
All of these actions help create financial security.

Reputation Risks
In order to decrease the risk of a bad reputation, Rock of the Ages will create a positive image and take care of a number of issues. Overall, it can be said the stakeholders of the festival have to be satisfied in order to create positive word of mouth and a good reputation. To do so, the back and front stage organization of the event will be planned and implemented carefully. Rock of the Ages will ensure all potential factors for injuries, such as glass bottles as mentioned earlier will be removed.
Furthermore, Rock of the Ages will ensure customers are not disappointed. This means advertising will not promise more than is actually offered at the festival to make sure the customer does not create lofty expectations and is disappointed in the end.
Also, all contracts will not be breached to ensure the contracting parties, such as sponsors, do not damage our reputations.

Operations Brief
As mentioned in the Sales Strategy on page 6, customers have the opportunity to buy a parking ticket at the same time when they are purchasing their ticket for the festival online or via phone. The first impression of the event will be the parking facility, because that is what the customer does first. Rock of the Ages wants to control this as much as possible. Parking space is limited and only customers with parking tickets can enter the parking lot of the venue. Upon arrival, ticketing staff will scan the parking tickets and direct the customer to their assigned parking space. Afterwards, volunteers will direct the customer to the festival entrance.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Customers who will not be driving to the venue can take the free shuttle bus service the festival offers or buy a travel discount package to travel with public transportation to the venue in Kelowna.
Timetables will be present for the customers on the Rock of the Ages website. Permission by authorities and road closures are also important. The police and highway department will be asked for input and present during the event. Signage is present to make sure customers and equipment can arrive quickly and with minimum disruption to the venue’s parking lot. Local towing and emergency services will be contacted if needed. The customers’ entrance and entrance for equipment will be separated.
Customers have five entrances to choose from, and equipment and performers have separate entrances at the other side of the venue directly behind the two stages. Drop-off and pick-up points will be adequately lit and identified with proper signage, and further handled by staff that will be present.
Customers will most likely arrive an hour before the gates open, so a line-up will most likely be present before entrance. There are five entrances for the customers and this will allow Rock of the Ages to divide the crowd. Trained ticketing staff will ensure fast entry to the event.
Upon arrival at one of the five entrances, security will be present to perform a security search. There will be signs at the entrances stating that the customer is agreeing to be searched as a condition of coming into the venue. For example: no pets, drugs, alcohol, bottles, weapons, tents, fireworks, or chairs can be brought into the venue. Customers who are in possession of these objects are not allowed to proceed further to ensure other customers’ safety.
Depending on the type of object, hired qualified security staff will decide whether the customer can leave the object behind until the end of the festival, or throw it away or is denied access into the venue.
For example: Tents can be left behind with security but knives cannot be brought into the venue. The customer has to throw it away or leave it behind in their car. Police will also be present to implement drug searches assisted by drug detection dogs. This will be described in more detail in section Risk
If the customer exits the venue during the weekend, they have to get a pass out voucher, which will be available at the staff posts that will be present all around the venue. Customers can ask questions at these posts regarding the festival. Anyone who exits the venue has to show the pass out voucher and the entrance ticket upon re-entrance and will be searched again by security. If a customer tries to re-enter the festival with a restricted object he or she will be denied access to the event. Customers who are on drugs or are intoxicated will be removed by security and cannot enter the venue for their own safety and other people’s safety till they are sober again. Water will be provided and if needed first aid also.
Ticket staff will scan the ticket after the security check and drug control. The ticket staff will check whether it is an original ticket and whether the customer is old enough to enter the event. After the ticket is scanned, the customer receives a wristband and is allowed to enter the festival.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Ticket checking staff will be divided into two groups. The first group will scan the ticket and check the age of the customer. The second group will hand the customer a wristband depending on the level of the ticket (Day ticket, weekend ticket, VIP ticket etc.) and wristbands will be colour coded.
Sale of food and drinks will only be allowed if their wristband’s colour matches that day. The food vendor then becomes a part of our security of the event. Crowd controllers will walk around the event to ensure customers with only the colour codes of that day are present. Security will also walk around the event to ensure audience safety. Wristbands cannot be taken of easily and will not be replaced during the weekend. This is due to the fact that Rock of the Ages wants to avoid people trying to take off their wristbands to trade.

The Venue
Staff posts will be present where consumers can ask questions. There will be 25 toilets present for women and 25 for men along with hand washing facilities. Staff will re-stock toilet paper, soap, and paper towels every hour and make sure the toilets are clean for customers to use. Staff on site will keep track of weather predictions, and when they see rain approaching staff will hand out raincoats to the attendees. Furthermore, customers will see signs with directions to ATMs, lockers, first aid posts, water fountains, cell phone chargers, and the lounges. These lounges will include places to sit, makeover areas, photo booths, and game areas to play instruments and to record their own video clips. In these lounges, qualified staff will be present to guide the customers. Cleaning staff will be assigned to make sure the garbage bins throughout the event are emptied when they are full. There will be signs around the event directing customers to the emergency exits located on each side of the event.
‘’The site is in constant motion and the logistics manager is responsible for the positioning, movement and operation. ‘’ (Bowdin et al, 2011) That is why artist and equipment transportation, waste removal, emergency fire and first aid access and stall set-up for continual supply and removal, site communication, staging set-up, food and drink supplies and security is important.
Another thing that will be present, but not accessible for the customer, is that there will be a storage area near the stages and vendors for the storage of consumables and equipment, and maintenance of equipment. See Appendix M – Event Layout for an overview of the venue and event layout

Customers will see each stage designed with a theme for the decade of rock that is playing on that stage. Over the weekend, the decoration of these stages will change from decade to decade. The change of decorations will occur over night when event attendees have gone home for the evening.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Staff of Rock of the Ages will be in touch with the performers. The staff will make sure that performers travel to the event, arrive on time, have a dressing room, and time to rehearse. Staff has to make sure that the performer has everything needed mentioned in the contract rider. Water and food will be stocked for the performers in their rooms, and staff will also handle other stage and backstage facilities.
Customers with Meet and Greet passes will be allowed back stage. Sound and lighting crews hired by
Rock of the Ages are in charge of the technical aspects of the performances. Rock of the Ages’ professional staff will also make sure the required instruments and storage is present backstage. Every time performers switch, the crew will make sure all required instruments are on stage.
Performers will go via the equipment storage area to the rehearsal rooms and via there to the stage.
After they’re done performing, they will take the same way back and rest in the green room.
‘’Understanding the artists’ needs is a critical task and has a very strong sense of urgency because there is not enough time to adjust when artists are dissatisfied’’ (Bowdin et al, 2011) so experienced and professional staff will ensure satisfaction and quality.
There is on-site communication via mobile phones and radio. All crew members are able to communicate with each other with cell phones provided by the organization, including all cellphone numbers. The communication plan will include a list of staff members’ names, their position, phone number, and lines of responsibility. Volunteers, contractors, and each service area personnel, such as caterers, will also be on the list. Communication channels will be present for police and emergency also.
Runners will be present just in case power failures were to occur. Also, sound systems and bulletin boards will be present for announcements.

Signage is a method of communication to all attendees of the event. Large on-site maps will be present that will show the customer the locations of facilities. Warning, sponsorship, and facilities signs will be present all around the venue. Signage will be posted around the venue, entrances, roads, and parking spaces to inform customers. Signage informs customers on directions, on-site banking facilities, catering, bars, merchandise sales, security offices, lost and found offices, rules, recycling, lounges, toilet locations, and whether they are allowed to use their phone or cameras in certain areas.

‘’Exiting of the people and the removal and return of equipment that take place during an event can take a considerable amount of time and effort’’ (Bowdin et al, 2011) First, the performers will leave the venue, staff will make sure they are sent off appropriately and payment has been made. Performers will be thanked in person and the organizers of the festival will send the performers a small thank you gift a couple of days later.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


No equipment will be removed from the venue until every attendee has left the venue to ensure crowd safety. This will avoid traffic issues caused by shuttle services or trucks carrying equipment, which would interfere with customers leaving by vehicle. Staff will be present at exit gates to guide the attendees to the shuttle services, taxi services, or to the parking space. Staff that will take care of parking spaces have the responsibility to make sure no one who is under influence of alcohol is driving a vehicle. These guests will be offered a ride with the taxi or shuttle service to their accommodation.
Cleaning the venue will happen after qualified staff loads equipment into the trucks. First, the instruments will be removed, and then sound, lighting, visual, and stage structures will be dismantled.
Small equipment can be collected, like radios, then signed off and returned to the owners. Also staff will do a check around the venue to see whether they can find items left behind by attendees. Venue hand over is what happens at last after the venue is emptied and cleaned.
All payments have to be made and reported, and accounts have to be finalized and audited. Sponsors have to be thanked for their contribution. In the weeks following, press news, reviews and research, and incident reports will be collected to share with stakeholders. Customer feedback has to be collected after the event to see whether consumers were satisfied, and the feedback used in creation of a postevent report. This report as well as all photos and videos captured during the event will be used in the preparation of events in following years. Finally, it is also important to thank all services involved, and to report to council and other government organizations and officials.

Event Budget
Three levels of revenues from ticket sales were generated based on a high, low, and realistic estimate of ticket sales. Each level of estimated ticket sales were 6,000 for high, 4,000 for low, and 5,000 for realistic. Revenues were based on an average ticket sale price of $300. This equated to ticket sale revenues of $1.8M for high, $1.2M for low, and $1.5M for realistic. Additional revenues of $138,000 from the sale of merchandise, $15,000 from vendor slips, $21,000 from alcohol contracts, and $290,000 from sponsorships were then added.
Total costs for the event equated to $576,000. This yields estimated profits of $1,362,000 for high,
$762,000 for low, and $1,062,000 for realistic.
Low Estimate
High Estimate
Realistic Estimate
Price of Ticket



‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Low Estimate
High Estimate
Realistic Estimate
Vendor Slips
Design & Development
Video Content
Ticket Printing
Ticket Design
Credit Card Comission (1.5%)
First Aid
Event Schedules
Event Facilities
Event Tents
Ash Trays
Vapor Misters
Event Decorations
Office Materials
Water fountains
Waste Management



















‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Audio Equipment
Lighting Equipment
Visual Equpment
Stage structures
Stage miracles
Social Media
Promotional Materials
Event Insurance
Total Costs
Estimated Profits
Low Estimate
High Estimate
Realistic Estimate













At an average price of $300 per ticket, a break-even analysis shows that tickets must be sold to 1,870 people in order to cover the costs of the event. This number is easily attainable as our low estimate is
4,000 visitors. See Appendix L – Ticket Sales Break-Even Analysis.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Rock of the Ages is a brand new music festival that offers the opportunity for people of all ages starting at 19 years of age who appreciate the genre of rock music to come together for a full weekend to enjoy real rock music from different decades performed by great artists.
To create an exciting event, special attractions apart from the actual concerts itself are offered, such as photo booths, which enable visitors to have a tangible good that symbolizes their experience. It offers a place for make overs, costume competitions, and an overall fun and memorable atmosphere with lots of decorations and entertaining elements.
With different messages, the IMC will reach the potential customers on each of the “Think, Feel, Do” stages. All sorts of marketing tools, such as newspapers, radio, social media, and many more will be used to achieve this. Through the different marketing tools, it will be ensured that all possible customers of different generations are reached and are being led to the website or the phone service to purchase tickets.
The tickets are included in a CD of rock music of the different decades playing at Rock of the Ages, and this package will be sent to the customer’s home address after payment is completed. Different ways of arriving at the festival are available, such as a shuttle bus or parking tickets for the Rock of the Ages parking lot.
The risk management has to be well thought though and a clear and specific safety plan has to be implemented before the festival and at the festival to ensure a successful event for all stakeholders.
To finance Rock of the Ages, different revenue streams such as ticketing, sponsors, merchandise sales, alcohol contracts, and vendor slips will be implemented. Enough revenue should be created to hold the event in the following years, to improve the event, and make it bigger. Different sponsors of from different industries will enable the creation of a successful event with either financial support or support through sponsored goods. In return, Rock of the Ages will spread awareness for those brands through different channels. The tickets offered could either be purchased per day, as a weekend pass, or a VIP pass at the cost of $120, $300, and $400 respectively. Furthermore, Rock of the Ages merchandise can be purchased at the festival or on the website, which creates additional revenue and offers the visitors a tangible item to remember the event.
All these factors are fundamental aspects that have to be managed appropriately for Rock of the Ages to become a successful and profitable event that will attract more tourism to Kelowna and therefor contribute to its economy.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Babin, H. M. (2013). CB: Canadian Edition. Toronto: Nelson.
Boonstock. (2014). Retrieved November 22, 2014 from Boonstock:
Bowdin, G., Johnny, A., William, O., Robert, H., & Ian, M. (2011). Events Management. Great Britian:
Elsevier Ltd.
CBC. (2014, November 4). Visa, MasterCard agree to hold interchange fees at 1.5% for 5 years. Retrieved
November 30, 2014 from CBC News:
Center of Gravity. (2014). Retrieved November 21, 2014 from Center of Gravity: Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission. (2012). 2012 Regional Economic Profile.
Retrieved on October 2014 from Invest Kelowna: 2012-05-10.pdf
Heavy Montreal. (2014). Retrieved November 22, 2014 from Heavy Montreal: Hottrip. (2014, January 3). Tomorrowland is the biggest and craziest musical spectacle in the world.
Retrieved October 15, 2014 from Hottrip:…/
Lee, C. K., Lee, Y. K., & Wicks, E. B. (2004). Tourism management.
MTL Blog. (2014, July 29). 20 Acts You 100% Do Not Want To Miss At Osheaga 2014. Retrieved
November 20, 2014 from MTL Blog:
NXNE. (2014). Retrieved November 22, 2014 from
Perusse, B. (2013, March 11). Osheaga 2013 Lineup announced. Retrieved November 22, 2014 from
Montreal Gazette:
Sled Island. (2014). Retrieved November 22, 2014 from Sled Island:

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Tourism Calgary. (2014). Sled Island Festival. Retrieved November 22, 2014 from Visit Calgary: Tourism Kelowna. (2011, December 29). Economic Impact of Tourism in Kelowna. Retrieved October
2014 from Tourism Kelowna:

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix A – Canadian Competition

Date & location
June 17th - June
21st, 2015 in
Toronto ON,

Festival information:
‘’ NXNE is a five-day festival of Music, Film, Interactive, Art, and Comedy. Now celebrating our 21st year, we take over
Toronto with showcases, screenings, panels, parties, installations, and a whole lot more. From free shows at YDS to extended last calls at your favourite sweaty club/bar,
NXNE is the premier destination for bands, filmmakers, innovators, funny people, artists, and most importantly: fans of all of the above.’’ (NXNE, 2014)
They offer some all-ages shows, however to attend most shows, customers have to be 19+.
Prices range between $20 - $70 dollars.

2. Sled Island

June 24th - June
28th, 2015 in
Calgary AB,

MIO, Budweiser, Samsung, Red Bull and Sennheiser.
Festival information:
‘’Sled Island is an annual four-day independent music and arts festival in Calgary, Alberta, Canada that brings together over 200 artists and bands in more than 25 venues throughout the city. Audiences at Sled Island 2015 will be treated to seeing acclaimed performers in unique venues, and experiencing bands that typically play larger venues in intimate settings. Since 2007, Sled Island’s innovative, eclectic programming and independent spirit have combined with Calgary’s youthful energy to produce a festival that now attracts a diverse and global audience, is praised by local and international artists, and was recently voted one of the top
10 music festivals in Canada by listeners of CBC Radio 3.’’
(Tourism Calgary, 2014)
All ages

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Prices range between $10 - $350

3. Osheaga

July 31st - August
2nd, 2015 in
Montreal QC,

Sponsors and partners list of Sled Island is incredibly long.
Sled Island has many connections to government agencies, accommodations, media companies and local companies.
(City of Calgary, The Fairmont Palliser, CJSW, and Big Rock
Festival information:
‘’Every year, indie fans from across Canada come together in
Montreal for the Osheaga festival. The 3-day event has become a staple of every Montreal summer and always hosts the biggest and best up & coming artists in the indie genre. Over the years, the festival has grown to include a ton of other musical styles; folk, alternative, rock, pop, and more recently they’ve included an entire stage for electronic music.’’ (MTL Blog, 2014)
- Children aged 10 years and younger are admitted for free when accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket.
Prices range from $100 to $1,200 (Montréal Gazette, 2013)

4. Boonstock

July 31st - August
3rd, 2014 in
Penticton BC,
Canada (No
2015 date yet)

Virgin mobile, Molson Canadian, Garnier Fructis, Smirnoff,
H&M, Maybelline, Coca-Cola, Subway, Diesel, Sony Music,
Samsung, Converse, Aldo, Desjardins, XBOX One, Galaxie,
Honda, Tourisme Montréal, Tourisme Québec, CID
Entertainment and Université du Québec à Montréal.
Festival information:
‘’Get ready for four days of rock in the great outdoors. That includes 40 bands and 40 DJs, turning out rock and electronic dance music on several different stages. The lineup continues to surprise every year and this year will be no different. Coming back for its 10th year, the largest music festival of its kind in Western Canada is the best way to

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


spend the August long weekend.’’ (Boonstock Music and
Arts Festival, 2014)
- Age 16+ only to purchase, however not allowed in beer gardens under the age of 19.
- Children aged 11 and under get free entry
Range between $99- $400 (Excl. camping and parking)
Red Bull, Pepsi, Big Surf Beer Company, Jameson, Bench,
Corby and Sanuk. (Bacardi sponsored a stage for the festival, however they pulled out because the festival failed to get a liquor license)

5. Heavy Montreal

August 7th August 9th, 2015 in Montreal QC,

 The three-day concert was moved to Penticton after an Alberta community voted to shut it down because of concerns over violence, drugs and vandalism.  A festival attendee died as a result of a suspected drug overdose.
Festival information:
‘’We have made a conscious effort to invite more musical genres to the party including the best of punk and hard rock alongside all degrees of metal as seen at previous editions of the festival. We continue on our mission to provide an unparalleled festival experience to our fans by producing the festival at an ideal site just minutes from downtown
Montreal; booking world-class artists from home and abroad; using only cutting-edge sound, lights, and staging; providing our fans with delicious and diverse food and drink choices; and paying attention to the most minute details to ensure all fans have the best and most comfortable festival experience possible.’’ (Heavy Montreal, 2014)

All ages festival (Kids are allowed to join their parents)

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Range between $175 - $500

6. Centre of Gravity

July 24th - July
26th, 2015 in
Kelowna BC,

Sponsored by:
GALAXIE, Smirnoff, Monster Energy, Tourisme Montréal,
Parc Jean- Drapeau, Evenko, and Tourisme Québec.
Festival information:
‘’The Okanagan’s biggest adrenaline-fueled sports and music festival is back for its 8th year! Monster Energy Center of
Gravity will return to the shores of Okanagan Lake and
Kelowna’s City Park, July 24 – 26, 2015. Wet Ape Productions is proud to bring Canada’s Hottest Beach Festival back for another action-packed year of sports, sandy beaches, bikinis, and some of the biggest names in EDM, hip hop and live music.’’ (Centre of Gravity, 2014)
All ages festival (Kids are allowed to join parents but they need a ticket too)
Range between $79- $169
Sponsored by:
Sun FM, Monster Energy, Wet Ape, Union Electronic, Palm
Bay, Bud Light, Castanet, GOODSIR, Purple Nurple, Twisted,
JayWho Productions, The House, Okanagan Brewhouse, One
Boardshop, KBAAD, The Bakery Boardshop and Lounge,
Winn Rentals and Extreme Pita.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix B – Proximity to Markets

Kelowna to:
Salt Lake City
San Francisco
Los Angeles

Distance km miles
1,672 1,039
1,970 1,224
2,268 1,409
2,306 1,433

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix C – Access to Markets

British Columbia



United States



‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix D – SWOT Analysis

Only rock music evolution festival in
Rock is the most popular genre of music Large target market; all ages above legal drinking age
Highly attractive venue destination
City of Kelowna has plenty of tourism resources Newly improved public transit to the venue Opportunities
International promotion
Time for development purposes
Develop relations with bands, sponsors, and other partnering bodies
Partner with tourism Kelowna

New, unknown festival
Team lacks experience
Lack of connections; sponsors, performers, and partners
Lack of capital and initial funding

Dependent on venue confirmation and liquor licensing
Local public image of concerts has been tarnished by past competition
Rely on funding from sponsors, banks, and grants
Success depends on the weather
Kelowna is not currently recognized as a rock music centre
Several other rock music festivals in summer; 6 direct Canadian competitors described in Appendix A

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix E – Promotional Elements

Personal Selling
Social Media
Direct Mail
Corporate Identity

Primary Target Generations
Depression, World War 2
Depression – Generation X
Depression – Late Boomers
Early Boomers – Generation Y
Late Boomers – Generation Y
Depression – Generation X
Early Boomers – Generation Y
Depression – Late Boomers
Late Boomers, Generation X
All Generations
All Generations
All Generations

Malls, Community Centres
Kelowna News Stations
Kelowna, Vernon, and Penticton
Rock Music Magazines, Kelowna Now!
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Kelowna, Vernon, and Penticton
Music Trade Shows
Wrist-band pick-up stations, and event Corporate Documentation

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’

$ 500.00
$ 300.00
$ 5,000.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 5,000.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 100.00


Appendix F - Sponsorship Price Levels


What They Get





Large company logo on the home page of the website.
Large company logo located on the two stages.
Announced as a proud sponsor in all advertisements including in miniactivity and beverage garden area.
Have promotional material handed out to all customers.
Four (4) free festival VIP tickets
Logo on tickets

Large Logo featured in sponsors page and small logo at bottom of home page.
Company Logo in all mini-activity and beverage garden areas.
Medium size company logo in all advertisements
Two (2) Festival Tickets



Medium sized company logo located on sponsorship page
Have employees/volunteers hand out promotional material



Small company logo on sponsorship page
Employees/volunteers had out free swag to customers.



Small logo located on the sponsorship webpage.

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix G - Diamond Sponsorship
Dear Contact at SW Audio + Visual,
Rock of the Ages Music Festival is a brand new festival. The purpose of the music festival is to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate the rock genre of music, and to celebrate its evolution.
“Rock of the Ages” music festival will host many rock bands, or their tributes, from the early 50’s to today. The festival will be 3 days on August 14th, 15th, and 16th in 2016, with two stages along the waterfront. The music will progress from older to newer rock music. Each day will have a different theme to match the age of the music playing that day. Attendees can dress up as their favourite musician. There will be many vendors for food, beverage, and merchandise sales as well as a bus shuttle service to and from the festival.
The Rock of the Ages festival will be the largest rock festival in Canada with over 5,000 attendees and
20+ rock bands. The festival will rekindle the spirit of rock music and inspire a new generation of rock artists. We will provide the unique opportunity for attendees to become part of the evolution, and rekindling of rock music. The festival will hence fourth label Kelowna, B.C., Canada as the incubator of rock and attract a younger demographic of individuals to the central Okanagan. We see plenty of potential for this festival in the Kelowna area and would appreciate your contribution to make it a reality. As a sponsor to the Rock of the Ages Music Festival, you will be provided many benefits. Wicked
Awesome Events would like to see your business as a diamond level sponsor. We ask you to create two outstanding stage packages with expertise and knowledge for our festival, including lighting, staging, and sound. In return, Wicked Awesome Events will provide you the following: a large company logo on the home page of the website, a large company logo located on the two main stages, announced as a proud sponsor in all advertisements including marketing materials, at the mini-activities location, and the beverage garden area. Also, promotional material will be handed out to all attendees of the festival.
In addition, you will be provided four Rock of the Ages Music Festival VIP weekend passes. You would be considered the main sponsor for Rock of the Ages Music Festival.
Wicked Awesome Events reserves the right to make decisions as seen best fit for the theme of Rock of the Ages Music Festival.
Please take some time to think about becoming a proud sponsor of Rock of the Ages Music Festival. We would like to secure sponsorship by February 28, 2014. If you could let us know by then, it would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us. Thank you very much for your time.
Alex, Annika, Derya, Taylor
Wicked Awesome Events Team
‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix H – Platinum Sponsorship
Dear Contact at Avalon Event Rentals,
Rock of the Ages Music Festival is a brand new festival. The purpose of the music festival is to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate the rock genre of music, and to celebrate its evolution.
“Rock of the Ages” music festival will host many rock bands, or their tributes, from the early 50’s to today. The festival will be three days during August 14th, 15th, and 16th in 2016, with two stages along the waterfront. The music will progress from older to newer rock music. Each day will have a different theme to match the age of the music playing that day. Attendees can dress up as their favourite musician. There will be many vendors for food, beverage, and merchandise sales as well as a bus shuttle service to and from the festival.
The Rock of the Ages festival will be the largest rock festival in Canada with over 5,000 attendees and
20+ rock bands. The festival will rekindle the spirit of rock music and inspire a new generation of rock artists. We will provide the unique opportunity for attendees to become part of the evolution, and rekindling of rock music. The festival will hence fourth label Kelowna, B.C., Canada as the incubator of rock and attract a younger demographic of individuals to the central Okanagan. We see plenty of potential for this festival in the Kelowna area and would appreciate your contribution to make it a reality. As a sponsor to the Rock of the Ages Music Festival, you will be provided many benefits. Wicked
Awesome Events would like to see your business be a platinum level sponsor. We ask you to provide
$30,000 worth of party rentals such as tables, chairs, and decorations. In return, Wicked Awesome
Events will provide you the following: a large logo featured in sponsors page and small logo at bottom of home page, the company logo in all mini-activity and beverage garden areas, and medium size company logo in all advertisements. You would be considered the main sponsor for Rock of the Ages Music
Please take some time to think about becoming a proud sponsor of Rock of the Ages Music Festival. We would like to secure sponsorship by February 28, 2014. If you could let us know by then, it would be greatly appreciated.
Wicked Awesome Events reserves the right to make decisions as seen best fit for the theme of Rock of the Ages Music Festival.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us. Thank you very much for your time.
Alex, Annika, Derya, Taylor
Wicked Awesome Events
‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix I – Gold Sponsorship
Dear Contact,
Rock of the Ages Music Festival is a brand new festival. The purpose of the music festival is to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate the rock genre of music, and to celebrate its evolution.
“Rock of the Ages” music festival will host many rock bands, or their tributes, from the early 50’s to today. The festival will be three days during August 14th, 15th, and 16th in 2016, with two stages along the waterfront. The music will progress from older to newer rock music. Each day will have a different theme to match the age of the music playing that day. Attendees can dress up as their favourite musician. There will be many vendors for food, beverage, and merchandise sales as well as a bus shuttle service to and from the festival.
The Rock of the Ages festival will be the largest rock festival in Canada with over 5,000 attendees and
20+ rock bands. The festival will rekindle the spirit of rock music and inspire a new generation of rock artists. We will provide the unique opportunity for attendees to become part of the evolution, and rekindling of rock music. The festival will hence fourth label Kelowna, B.C., Canada as the incubator of rock and attract a younger demographic of individuals to the central Okanagan. We see plenty of potential for this festival in the Kelowna area and would appreciate your contribution to make it a reality. As a sponsor to the Rock of the Ages Music Festival, you will be provided many benefits. Wicked
Awesome Events would like to see your business be a platinum level sponsor. We ask you to provide
$15,000. In return, Wicked Awesome Events will provide you the following: a medium sized logo featured on sponsorship page, and have employees/volunteers hand out promotional material.
Please take some time to think about becoming a proud sponsor of Rock of the Ages Music Festival. We would like to secure sponsorship by February 28, 2014. If you could let us know by then, it would be greatly appreciated.
Wicked Awesome Events reserves the right to make decisions as seen best fit for the theme of Rock of the Ages Music Festival.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us. Thank you very much for your time.
Alex, Annika, Derya, Taylor
Wicked Awesome Events

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix J – Silver Sponsorship
Dear Contact,
Rock of the Ages Music Festival is a brand new festival. The purpose of the music festival is to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate the rock genre of music, and to celebrate its evolution.
“Rock of the Ages” music festival will host many rock bands, or their tributes, from the early 50’s to today. The festival will be three days during August 14th, 15th, and 16th in 2016, with two stages along the waterfront. The music will progress from older to newer rock music. Each day will have a different theme to match the age of the music playing that day. Attendees can dress up as their favourite musician. There will be many vendors for food, beverage, and merchandise sales as well as a bus shuttle service to and from the festival.
The Rock of the Ages festival will be the largest rock festival in Canada with over 5,000 attendees and
20+ rock bands. The festival will rekindle the spirit of rock music and inspire a new generation of rock artists. We will provide the unique opportunity for attendees to become part of the evolution, and rekindling of rock music. The festival will hence fourth label Kelowna, B.C., Canada as the incubator of rock and attract a younger demographic of individuals to the central Okanagan. We see plenty of potential for this festival in the Kelowna area and would appreciate your contribution to make it a reality. As a sponsor to the Rock of the Ages Music Festival, you will be provided many benefits. Wicked
Awesome Events would like to see your business be a platinum level sponsor. We ask you to provide
$10,000. In return, Wicked Awesome Events will provide you the following: small company logo on sponsorship page and employees/ volunteers will hand out free swag to customers
Wicked Awesome Events reserves the right to make decisions as seen best fit for the theme of Rock of the Ages Music Festival.
Please take some time to think about becoming a proud sponsor of Rock of the Ages Music Festival. We would like to secure sponsorship by February 28, 2014. If you could let us know by then, it would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us. Thank you very much for your time.
Alex, Annika, Derya, Taylor
Wicked Awesome Events

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix K – Bronze Sponsorship
Dear Contact,
Rock of the Ages Music Festival is a brand new festival. The purpose of the music festival is to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate the rock genre of music, and to celebrate its evolution.
“Rock of the Ages” music festival will host many rock bands, or their tributes, from the early 50’s to today. The festival will be three days during August 14th, 15th, and 16th in 2016, with two stages along the waterfront. The music will progress from older to newer rock music. Each day will have a different theme to match the age of the music playing that day. Attendees can dress up as their favourite musician. There will be many vendors for food, beverage, and merchandise sales as well as a bus shuttle service to and from the festival.
The Rock of the Ages festival will be the largest rock festival in Canada with over 5,000 attendees and
20+ rock bands. The festival will rekindle the spirit of rock music and inspire a new generation of rock artists. We will provide the unique opportunity for attendees to become part of the evolution, and rekindling of rock music. The festival will hence fourth label Kelowna, B.C., Canada as the incubator of rock and attract a younger demographic of individuals to the central Okanagan. We see plenty of potential for this festival in the Kelowna area and would appreciate your contribution to make it a reality. As a sponsor to the Rock of the Ages Music Festival, you will be provided many benefits. Wicked
Awesome Events would like to see your business be a platinum level sponsor. We ask you to provide
$5,000. In return, Wicked Awesome Events will provide you the following: a small logo of your company located on the sponsorship webpage.
Please take some time to think about becoming a proud sponsor of Rock of the Ages Music Festival. We would like to secure sponsorship by February 28, 2014. If you could let us know by then, it would be greatly appreciated.
Wicked Awesome Events reserves the right to make decisions as seen best fit for the theme of Rock of the Ages Music Festival.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us. Thank you very much for your time.
Alex, Annika, Derya, Taylor
Wicked Awesome Events

‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


Appendix L – Ticket Sales Break-Even Analysis
Price Per Unit


Number of Units Sold


Total Sales





Less: Variable Selling Costs



Total Variable Costs



Contribution Margin







Total Fixed Costs


Income Before Taxes


Less: Variable Production Costs

Less: Fixed Production Costs
Less: Fixed Selling and Administrative Costs


Per Unit



Per Unit



Per Unit




1,600 2,400 3,200 4,000 4,800 5,600 6,400 7,200 8,000 8,800 9,600 10,400 11,200


Point (units) =
Total Fixed Costs
Variable Cost per Unit
Sales Price per Unit





‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’

Point ($'s) =


BEP (units) = TFC/(SPU-VCU)
BEP ($'s) = BEP (units) * SPU


Appendix M – Event Layout

Power Access
Water Access
Vendor Area
Mini-Event Area
Beer Gardens
‘’Rock of The Ages, The Okanagan School of Business’’


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