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SCP-2649: Task Force Astronauts

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Words 542
Pages 3
Item #: SCP-2649

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A 1.75 kilometer perimeter is to be held in place at all times from SCP-2649. The airspace above SCP-2649 is to be classified as military area and no flights may pass through. Should anyone enter the perimeter, they are to be terminated. A 5m electric fence with razor wire is to be constructed and maintained with regular damage checks.

Description: SCP-2649 was discovered in on the date of . The Foundation became aware of SCP-2649 when they learned of disappearances in the area. Upon scouting the area, strange atomic signatures, which belonged to an unknown element. First proof of anomalous activity was discovered when experiments with soil in the area gave researchers impossible carbon-dating readings, dating years in the . The SCP itself was found in the center of a small, seemingly abandoned town. It appears as a modern day high school, albeit rather large for the size of the town. While the school appears as run down as the rest of the town, carbon dating of the brick making up most of the school showed that it was in fact one second further in the future than our reality. …show more content…
On the inside of SCP-2649, the classrooms all have the same run down look the rest of the town has, except for one. On the floor, in what appears to be a science classroom, a large collection of human organs, skeletons, and test tubes filled with unidentifiable liquids are organized on shelves or hangers around the room (See Notes). After counting all of the specimens, it has been determined that the number is slightly more than the estimated population of the

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