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Submitted By gnaste
Words 781
Pages 4
• Question 1
2 out of 2 points China and India form an agreement to govern their commercial exchanges with one another. This is: Selected Answer: a bilateral agreement. • Question 2
2 out of 2 points Java Cafes, Inc., and Kaffe Import Corporation dispute a term in their contract. Resolving the dispute between Java and Kaffe by having a neutral third party render a binding decision is one of the advantages of: Selected Answer: arbitration. • Question 3
2 out of 2 points If a Chinese company decided to conduct business in the US, which of the following laws should it research and follow? Selected Answer: All of the above. • Question 4
0 out of 2 points Assume that a corporation reports the same amount of positive net income every year and does not pay-off any of its debts over time. The corporation does not pay out dividends and does not buy or sell its own stock. Which of the following is most likely to be true: Selected Answer: The corporation’s return on assets will first increase over time and then decrease over time. • Question 5
0 out of 2 points At the beginning of the year a firm reported total stockholders’ equity of $22,000. At the end of the year the firm reported total stockholders’ equity of $52,000. If the firm paid dividends of $4,000 and issued stock for $6,000 during the year, the firm must have reported net income for the year of: Selected Answer: $26,000 • Question 6
0 out of 2 points Brubacher Company makes four products in a single facility. These products have the following unit product costs:

Additional data concerning these products are listed below.

The grinding machines are potentially the constraint in the production facility. A total of 20,500 minutes are available per month on these machines.
Direct labor is a

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