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Submitted By shashwatjha
Words 1541
Pages 7

Organizations must learn how to build and implement systems to remain competitive. Software that is built correctly can support agile organizations and can transform as the organization and its business transforms. Software that effectively meets client’s needs will help an organization become more productive and enhance decision making. Software that does not meet client’s needs may have a damaging effect on productivity and can even cause a business to fail. Employee involvement along with using the right implementation methodology when developing software is critical to the success of an organization

The Systems Life Cycle (SLC) is a type of methodology used to describe the process for building information systems, intended to develop information systems in a very deliberate, structured and methodical way , reiterating each stage of the life cycle. The systems development life cycle, according to Elliott & Strachan & Radford (2004), " originated in the 1960s, to develop large scale functional business systems in an age of large scale business conglomerates. Information systems activities revolved around heavy data processing and number crunching routines" . Several systems development frameworks have been partly based on SDLC, such as the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) produced for the UK government Office of Government Commerce in the 1980s.Eversince, according to Elliott (2004), " the traditional life cycle approaches to systems development have been increasingly replaced with alternative approaches and frameworks, which attempted to overcome some of t he inherent deficiencies of the traditional SDLC" .

Systems Development Life Cycle
The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is the overall process for developing information systems from planning and analysis

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