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Shame of the Nation


Submitted By donjay98
Words 499
Pages 2
In The Shame of the Nation, Jonathan Kozol states that the American society is still suffering from one-sidedness education. Mr. Kozol offers a wide bundle of statistical data to support his claim that most public schools are very much so segregated. Jonathan Kozol illustrates a grim reality about the unequal attention given to urban and suburban schools. He shows everyone involved in the education system that public schools are still separate and, therefore, still unequal.

In his book he states that “during the 1990s, the portion of black students that attended majority white schools had decreased to a level lower than in any year since 1968. Almost seventy five percent of black and Latino students attend schools that are predominantly minority.”Suburban schools, which are primarily made up of white students, are given a far superior education than urban schools, which are primarily made up of Hispanics and African Americans. In Brooklyn, New York, at Adlai Stevenson High School, “97% of the students population are black or Hispanic, eight-tenths of one percent were white” He further offers some explanations for why such segregation still persists in public schools. He states that although there was great movement towards integration 35 or 40 years ago, soon its goals were abandoned and its victories were reversed.Although Supreme Court decisions such as Brown vs. The Board of Education and federal laws have upheld and supported the ideals of racial integration in our education system.This segregation is caused not by force, but by factors working together to keep blacks and Hispanics stuck in the inner city while middle class, mostly whites, move outward.

The state of inner city schools has declined significantly. Horrible physical conditions, very limited resources, low expectations for the future of its students,

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