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Sight In Oedipus The King

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Sight in Oedipus

The phrase “ignorance is bliss” is a common one used in situations where a person is better off not knowing something. A similar phrase is used by Oedipus in Oedipus the King by Sophocles that says, “Oblivion – what a blessing… / for the mind to dwell a world away from pain.” (lines 1522-1523) Both of these statements explain how the absence of knowledge can shield a person from feeling pain. In this screwball, Greek tale, knowledge is attained by having sight of either the physical or the mystical world. Before Oedipus spears needles through his eyes, he further expresses his grievances by saying, “I, with my eyes, / how could I look my father in the eyes / when I go down to death? Or mother, so abused… / I have done such things to the two of them, / crimes too huge for hanging. / Worse yet, / the sight of my children, born as they were born, / how could I long to look into their eyes? / No, not with these eyes of mine, never. / ”( lines 1501-1507) Literally, Oedipus is saying he cannot look into his children’s’ eyes without remembering the horrendous things of which he has done. Diving even deeper, he is saying that he is blinded by guilt and shame for he …show more content…
In this story, only Tiresias is knowledgable of this magical realm. Due to the fact that he sees everything, Tiresias is forced to carry the knowledge of the pains and sufferings around him. When Oedipus meets with Tiresias, he says, “O Tiresias, / master of all the mysteries of our life, / all you teach and all you dare tell, / signs in the heavens, signs that walk the earth!” (341-343) Obviously, Oedipus is telling Tiresias that he knows more than the average citizen. However, this comes at a price because Oedipus goes on to say, “Blind as you are, you can feel all the more / what sickness haunts our city.” (line 344-345) This is another example of knowledge inflicting pain on those who retain

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