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Six Deminsions of Health


Submitted By Jphizzo
Words 429
Pages 2
Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet

Part 1

For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example. Refer to Ch. 1 in the text for explanations of these dimensions.

Physical health: I take care of my son all day. It requires a lot of responsiveness and physical work like lifting and maneuvering through the house.

Social health: I use FB a lot and text a lot. I have a few healthy relationships and I keep in good contact with them.

Intellectual health: I do my schoolwork routinely. I have to use brain power and critical thinking skills to accomplish my schoolwork.

Environmental health: I clean my house every day and clean the yard of dog mess. This keeps my environment clean and me in a good mood. I also choose not to run water unnecessarily and I turn the lights off when I leave a room. I do not litter either.

Emotional health: I express myself often. I say what is on my mind frequently so it is not bottled up. I try to do it appropriately and at the right times, but I also will not suffer from holding it in so sometimes I may or may not express correctly.

Spiritual health: I believe in God. I am a Christian and believe in a higher power that is my Lord and I have a sense of purpose in life.

Part 2

In approximately 125 to 200 words, describe health and wellness in your own words using the ideas and concepts for each of the six dimensions of health.

Health and wellness to me is being balanced in all six dimensions of health and striving to meet to your best ability the highest of your potential in each of the six dimensions. Eating well, performing ADL’s, and maintaining a healthy weight are all ways to help your physical health. Managing healthy relationships and knowing how to behave in social situations are both ways to ensure social health. Intellectual health would be the ability to make good decisions and learning from mistakes and successes along with creative thinking and critical thinking skills. To be healthy emotionally one would need to know how to control their emotions and express them appropriately. Ways to be environmentally healthy would be to turn off lights, do not leave water running, and recycle. Believing in a higher power and having a sense of purpose are just a couple links to spiritual health.

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Six Deminsions of Health

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