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Social Construction of Reality


Submitted By doniab
Words 333
Pages 2
CheckPoint Social Construction of Reality
Aldonia Bailey
Carol Parker

Currently I work in a chiropractor office where, I have been for a little over a year. My coworkers at first knew me as the quite one but as time went by they got to know me. So now they know me as the feisty one in the office, because I rarely put up with clients ignorance. My coworkers also think I’m antisocial because I’m not fond of going out after work or going to many office functions. I mostly agree with them, because I feel like I should treat work as a professional space. In the beginning I felt different, I socialized with my coworkers by going out on weekends and after work, but as time went on I felt like all my coworkers did was go to clubs and get drunk. However this may work for some people its just not the lifestyle I’m comfortable with. Even though my interaction now is limited with my coworkers I think I’m more open and sociable with my family (mainly my aunt). My personable social status is determined by my family dynamic, mostly because I feel comfortable where I can let my guard down. When considering how my social status influences my view of the world, I instantaneously think of my childhood and the way my mother treated me. My childhood was stressful mainly because my mother wasn’t the most financial or emotionally stable individual. With that being said she was also very physically and mentally abusive towards me and my brother so the cops and DPSS were always involved in our home from the time I was five years old to when I was sixteen. Personally, eight years later I feel my rash perspective has changed from being upset by my circumstances to being grateful because without the negativity I might not be the person I am today that wants to improve other abused children and families

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