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Social Media Narcissism

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Is social media to blame for the rise in narcissism?
To answer that you must first understand the difference between narcissism and self-esteem.
Narcissists feel superior to others, believe that they are entitled to privileges, and crave admiration. They think the world revolves around them and it would be a much better place if it revolved around them. And when it doesn't they lash out aggressively. People with high self-esteem, by contrast, feel satisfied with themselves as a person, but don't see themselves as better than others.
Parents intuitively believe that high self-esteem is the key to success, health, and well-being. They try to raise self-esteem by telling children they are unique and extraordinary. We as parents should make our …show more content…
Social media is then used to boost our ego's and encourage us to feel as though we are better and deserve more than anyone else. Facebook and social media sites are helping to create generations of frustrated, opinionated, self absorbed monsters.
In an article written on it is stated " Throughout the last few decades, there has been an increase in parental coddling and the so-called "self esteem" movement. Parents and teachers trying to instill a healthy sense of self-esteem in children by praising them lavishly often do more harm than good. In fact, studies show that children offered compliments for a skill they have not mastered or talents that they do not have are left feeling emptier and more insecure. Only when children are praised for real accomplishments are they able to build self-esteem. "
While facebook is certainly a platform for narcissists, it is a mistake to assume that facebook alone has caused the spike on narcissism. As researcher Shawn Bergman pointed out, "There is a significant amount of psychological research that shows that one's personality is fairly well-established by age 7," given that facebook's policy doesn't allow users to register until age 13 " the personality traits of typical users are fairly well-ingrained by the time they get on a social network. …show more content…
Instead of caring about investing time into things that matter and will generate genuine happiness, like actual personal relationships (not with Facebook "friends"), success in work, attention to family,etc., people spend their time on sosocial media judging others and posting incessantly to make themselves feel good when they get a lot of "likes" on their post by people who probably scrolled through their feed and " liked" with half-assed concern. I wish people would take a break from themselves, rearrange their priorities, and enjoy and contribute to life in a more genuine

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